
Is charity really charitable?

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Does charity ultimately really benefit anyone, or does it just create dependency, and more need? For example, if we send food to a nation to "feed the starving children" do we not just create another larger starving generation after the one we just fed? Does what starts out as good intentions just encourage a sense of entitlement, and expand the problem? Although it seems counterintuitive at first, would we not create stronger individuals and societies if there was no charity at all? Think carefully before answering. I know it is a touchy issue.




  1. the road to h**l is paved with good intentions you are very astute and you do not "sound like a republican" whatever they may sound like you sound more like an existentialist if anything being charitable though. hmmmmmmmmm have you ever noticed that the people who are "charitable" are rich or just plain well off maybe they are makeing up for something ? but give to the needy there is nothing wrong with that but make sure your signed check gets to the right person we live in an evil cold cosuming culture of child prostitues unwed teenaged mothers and pedophiles like i said the road to h**l is paved with good intentions

  2. You sound like a republican. People do need help from time to time, sometimes just to survive. Yes, charity shouldn't be a forever thing for recipients and most on the receiving end dislike having to need help. Charity also comes in other forms such as helping the sick, providing mentoring, or helping a stranded motorist.

  3. Hello good sir.  I sent you a message responding to a question of mine you answered, and i just had one more personal question to ask you.  I sent you an email / message from the email provided on your profile.  I would be very grateful if you would look at it when you get a chance, and hel me out.  Thank you.

    And as for your question it is very controverisal, and i believe the answer will be different for everyone, just by the way they feel in the inside.  Even if it does bring another generation of starving children, i could not let people starve.  So maybe it does create some sort of dependency.  What we need to do is teach them or help them in ways so that they can in the future care for them selves.  As that guy said, "teach them to fish".

  4. Charity Helps other however sometimes it can cause suffering to them. If you gave someone money that could be the end of the issue for you but for the person who you give money they may be hurt because they have money and another person does not. It is however very hard for someone to see suffering without trying to help and it is important for people to get help sometimes, but if you give someone to much they can cause more trouble. A difficult ethical problem.

  5. Not necessarily.

    But this concern is why more and more charities about of the "enabling people to fish" variety.

    Thus, the micro-loans charities enable (mostly women) to earn decent livings, and give their young decent lives.

    There are also things like well-building -- profiding infrastructure the benefit of which goes beyond not being hungry today.

    And, of course, educational stuff, so the currently young can do more productive things as adults, as well as generally participate more intelligently in their societies (as consumers, as voters, etc.)

    There's also emergency stuff. Letting disaster and war victims just starve is cruel.

    UNHCR, the UN group that helps war refugess, for instance, help refugees, and then repatriate them, giving them tools to rebuild, and seed to plant, so they can house and feed themselves and their families.

    So, no, it wouldn't be better with no charity at all. That's just cruel.

    Intelligent charity, that has long-term effects of making people able to take care of themselves is the way to go.

    That's precisely the direction more and more charity is going.

  6. That is a valid point that you have raised there. Imagine yourself as a starving child living in a third world country. What would your thoughts be on this topic? Poverty and famine will ALWAYS be around as long as the world stays as it is. It would be cruel to deprive a country of aid. Would sending a goat to a small village create more problems?

    No charity would lead to hundreds of thousands needlessly dead just because they were born their. Any one of us could just as easily have been in a poverty ridden country.

  7. Don't be so much touchy!

    You know your fortune and chances, and every other things you get in your life are never fair to other people in the world.

    Think about why are you richer, why are you getting everything you need without difficulty. You never doubt about all these unfair things like your family condition, your appearance and the region where you live, your education etc. are not fair to other people who suffer from poverty, abuse, cold and disease or even discrimination from the first day they were born?

    Doing charity is from the feeling to confront all of those unfairness. We are one world, we are the same human kind, we can't see others being in pain and happy alone.

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