
Is charles qualified to be our king? Has he got much intelligence?

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Is charles qualified to be our king? Has he got much intelligence?




  1. The real question is. Is Charles qualified to be a human being?. He is a mixed between a troll and a Gnome. The guy  is so F,,,,ing ugly it hurts. It amazes me he still qualifies as a human.

  2. Charles hasn't mature, I think he couldn't be a good king

  3. Charles graduated in 1970 from Trinity College, Cambridge, with "satisfactory if undistinguishable academic credentials" in anthropology, archeology, and history--the first member of the royal family to attain a university degree.  He also served as a pilot and a Commander in the Royal Navy from 1971 to 1976, which also takes some intelligence.  

    Charles' hobbies, which include attending the theatre, classical musical, and reading history and English, not to mention voicing criticism of modern architectural and advocating environmentalism, also give evidence of a reasonably high IQ.  

    On the other hand, the disclosure of some of his eccentric habits as well as the publicity surrounding his adultery with Camilla Parker Bowles indicates that Charles probably doesn't understand his future subjects all that well and perhaps hasn't had too much experience outside a very sheltered and deferred to existence.  Perhaps the British public doesn't need to question Charles' intelligence but his common sense?

  4. King doesn't run anything - just a figurehead. He doesn't have to be real smart.  I think he can handle that.  Look at the situation in my country. You will have to guess at what that is.

  5. He's got a degree form the unversity of Cambridge.

  6. Is he running against George Bush for President?

    SIGNED:  Uninformed U.S. citizen

  7. I read somewhere that the royal family is not that powerful anymore and that Parliament mostly is the ruling factor and regulates what the king or queen can do.  But I'm not too knowledgeable on English rule so I may be wrong.

  8. Exactly what qualifications do you need to have to be a monarch?

    Regardless of your views on monarchy, it can be agreed that the position is hereditary.

    The king or queen of most countries today is largely a symbolic role, and anything said or done by them is normally cooked up by a PR team so I don't really think their personal intelligence really matters.

  9. Why the P***k would you even WANT a king?

  10. I don't think that intelligence is a qualification to be king of England,   more like family connections.

  11. Does he, look like he has much intelligence?

  12. I think Charles should stick to farming and taking care of his horsey faced wife..

  13. Its obvious that the answer is no. He will spend more time talking to plants and ugly women.

  14. Out of all the Kings and Queens of England (and I am a Kg and Qn buff, know them all) Charles is the least qualified. Henry the VIII had more talent and more intelligence than does Charles. Read up on that u will be surprised. All Charles wants is that crown. He should step aside and let his son rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Besides all the obvious reasons, who in the name of God wants Camilla on the throne????

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