
Is checked in luggage scanned (xray) at the destination airport?

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Departure: Amsterdam

Destination: Toronto

Please only answer is you have good information (read it on a website, personal experience, etc.)... no guesses. Thanks




  1. No.

    It's scanned at the departure airfield. Possibly a second time if it's forwarded to another airfield.

    What would be the point of scanning on arrival, the risk is over.

    Ian M

  2. The answer is actually not entirely "NO" at all.  Because you have to go through Immigration and Customs at Toronto International Airport, there is a possibility of them asking "all" your luggage to be scanned again if they "feel" that you are bringing anything contraban such as meats, dairy, vegetables, and fruits.  They have to be feel suspicious of you in order for them to do this.  These items are contraban in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.  However, most of the time, they don't scan your luggage the second time.  

    The only country that I know requires all passenger including Flight Crews to have all their luggage scanned upon arrival is India.  I have been to India many times.

  3. no, why would they have a need to scan it after you arrived at the destination. they are checking for drugs/illegal things/weapons etc BEFORE you board the plane. when you get off they take it off the plane and toss it onto baggage claim.

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