
Is cheerleading harder than gymnastics?

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I need to know which is harder because my girlfriend says cheerledading is harder than gymnastics I disagree




  1. Gymnastics is so much harder! My friend once hit her head doing a full on the beam, needless to say, she became paralyzed from the neck down. She will never walk, and here are all the cheerleaders smiling and yelling. I personally have torn my meniscus twice, dislocated both of my elbows falling off the beam, I could never forget dislocating my shoulder on bars, or the time I broke my leg doing a Thomas Salto. You can see my eight pack through all of my shirts, so I have to admit I laugh whenever I see a muffintop cheerleader sitting on the bench and crying because she can't hold a handstand. I also have to admit that gymnastics was invented after cheerleading so that us gymnasts could show up the cheerleaders. We have four events, one of which involves double back tucks on a four inch surface, four feet off the ground, or bars where we kip up, cast to a handstand, flip up to the high bar cast to giants: which involves one rip at least per pass, vault; don't run fast enough, or don't hit the board right, you it your head, fatal concussion... on site. Then, there's floor. Sure cheerleading is like floor, but let's not forget the Thomas Salto, I've never seen a cheerleader think about attempting one. Thomas Salto has been actively banned in all women's floor routines, after a series of injuries. I have been taught the move, although after I snapped my leg in three places, I've trained it more rigorously. Gymnasts can't ever be afraid, because that's when you get hurt even more. I don't ever want to hear a cheerleader complain about their injuries, because I've been through so much worse as a gymnast. I come to practice everyday for four hours a day, which adds up to twenty one hours a week. The practice is just the beginning. There's conditioning and stretching added on. If you re scared, there's more conditioning. Conditioning for us means ten minute handstands, if you come down, the whole team does extra conditioning; running for half an hour, two hundred sit ups, seventy five push-ups, fourteen muscle ups on the high bar, climbing the rope with no feet, countless shot guns, and ninety sumo squats. We endure so much, while we watch you practice your smiles. What really makes me mad is when a cheerleader team comes to practice in OUR gym, and they think they're better. An all-star cheerleader team? No, you're learning what we learned in level three. So, to all the cheerleaders, suck it up, get in shape, learn discipline, and come to one of my practices. I'll enjoy watching you cry as you attempt one of our moves, and then watching the coach condition you harder, because you're scared or you hurt. Gymnastics is the hardest sport, and don't even try to deny it.

  2. It is an opinion but just saying cheerleading didn't copy gymnastics cause cheerleading was invented 1889 and gymnastics was invented 1896 so tecnectley gymnastics copied cheer and you shouldn't be saying one is better then another unless you tried both and get this every body is different and some things are harder for some people and others a easier for some people also cheerleading is basicly gymnastics but without bars beem or vault instead or yousing any of those they youse people and realiy on their bases or backspots and in gymnastics you only have to realiy on yourself but my opinion is cheer is harder the gymnastics!!!:)

  3. My daughter does comp. all star cheer & gymnastics. I think they are both hard.  In all star cheer level 5 are expected to have a standing full. In order to get a standing full you have to condition and be in shape. Unfortunately, they have had cheerleaders die instantly from stunts that went wrong. It is very sad and scary. That is not something to brag about. Both sports involve high risk  when you reach high elite levels.  I get the feeling many on this board are comparing elite level gymnastics to intro. level cheer. If you compare elite cheer to elite gymnastics then it is obvious they are both very demanding & tough sports.

  4. Gymnastics is harder then cheerleading, gymnast practice for 20-30 hours a week, in comparison to them Cheerleaders only practice 5 hours a week. Gymnastics demands alot of physical fitness and workout, while on the other hand cheerleading does not demand that superior level of physical fitness.

  5. Gymnastics is harder. You can make any gymnast into a cheerleader. You can't make any cheerleader into a gymnast. I am a former gymnast and current cheerleader. Look at the form on cheerleaders when they tumble. It doesn't compare to a gymnast's lines and grace. Cheerleaders have to memorize dances? Well, gymnasts need to memorize dance as well for their floor and beam routines. You have to throw people into the air? Well, flyers get to be thrown up by one, two or THREE people (base(s) and backspot) whereas gymnasts have to throw themselves up into the air and catch themselves. Flexibility: most gymnasts can do all three splits, many cheerleaders can barely do one split all the way down. Given enough time, gymnasts can memorize cheers; cheerleaders can have all the time in the world and never learn how to do a flip on a beam. Just my two cents.

  6. Gymnastics by FAR!!! I am a level 7 gymnast and former cheerleader, I have done both, so NOBODY can say i'm being biased!!!! The concept of cheering is a jump sequence,  series of  (minor) tumbling, dance, and cheer and cheer in a three or more minute routine. Gymnastics consisits of four events. Beam(a four inch peice of wood gymnast TUMBLE ON), Bars... a bar routine itself consists of, a flight element from high bar to low bar and vise versa, flight element of the same bar al least two different grips and a closed bar circle element, non flight with a turn on the bar (example: Handstand),  and a dismount. Floor... A passage of dance with atleast two different leaps from the code of points, one acro line with two different salto's, a salto forwar?backward, and sideways, Salto with double BA,  and LA,  and dismount, the last tumbling pass!  Finally( my personal) favorite vault,  there are way to many skills to list so just think of running full speed toward a solid object weighing three times as much as you, anf flipping over it! After an "all star" cheerleader has completed and meet being judged by 2 or more judges ready to mark off because of a bent TOE!!!! I will think of both sports with an EQUAL difficulty level!!!!

  7.  okk. what the h**l are you all talking about? cheerleading is way harder. i understand if u think gymnastics is harder than school cheerleading or football cheerleading but competitive cheerleading? h**l nooo. in competitive cheerleading we do the same thing as u guys do on floor plus we stunt and jump. in stunting u get hurt sooo much. if we drop our flyers then they will get hurt really badly. even for bases its hard to hold someone else in the air while theyre leaning on you and putting all ur weight on u. and if we drop our flyers u get screamed at. im a flyer now and when i get dropped it hurts like a b***h. sometimes your bases dont even care if u fall and fricken break ur arm. and its not our fault there is no cheerleading in the olympics?? but it all evens out. theres a worlds, nationals, all level worlds and u.s finals for us which those r huge competitions! and next, jumps r h**l. i dont think u gymnasts can do a hurtler toe touch pike standing full.. yeah didnt think so! my friend used to be a gymnast and now shes a cheerleader and she said that gymnastics is easier and in cheerleading there is way more chances of getting hurt, also for the tumbling part. level 7 for gymnasts is the same as level 4 for cheerleaders. the levels r aloot different. my friend was a level 7 gymnast ans now is a level 4 cheerleader and yeah. id like to see all of u go through a 2 minute 30 second routine of jumping stunting tumbling dancing and cheering eachother on. like i said, competitive all star cheerleading is crazy. u should see the coaches. soo yeah, next time u wanna talk s**t about us all star cheerleaders, think again (:

  8.  gymnastics and cheerleaading both hard

  9.  OMG i cannot believe u cheerleaders! gymnastics is wayyyyy harder than cheerleading and its WAY more than just flexibility!! We go 5 days a week for four hours each day!! i had a meet at the same time as the cheer competition and the cheerleaders took over the bathrooms with their mini-skirts and long-sleeved sports bras and their 5 pounds of make-up and bows. cheerleading might be fun but its SO MUCH EASIER. i would like half of you try to even do level 4 gymnastics you would be crying like little babies. you have no idea what pressure it is on the mind and body. coaches push you into tears and you have to face such big fears oh and by the way theres nobody to catch you when you fall. i had to quit gymnastics because my wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, and feet were falling apart! so just shut up all of you cheerleaders right now.

  10.  i think that they both have their cheerleaders can memorize cheers,and did you know most cheerleaders took gymnastics.i bet if long time gymnasts were asked to do a cheer they wouldn't know it.and they can do the gymnastics they learn more things. in  my opinion.they both work just as you need a clear voice to do cheerleading,and you thinkthey're pretty girls bouncing around you need skills.i just read about a weight comment nonprofessional gymnasts are fat.

  11.  gymnastics is wayyy harder and more dangerous  than cheerleading. is cheerleading in the olympics.....i didnt think gymnastics in the olympics...yes. all cheerleading does is that it gets in the way of basketball games and football games. i go to football games and those stupid cheerleaders are in the freaking way. plus gymnasts have bars vault floor and beam. i bet you a million dollars that if a cheerleader came running down the vault they would bounce on the spring board and fall flat on their face, if the went on floor and tried a double back or a full they would break some bones, if they went on beam and did a backtuck they would crotch the beam, and if they went on bars and their hand ripped they would cry like there is no tomorrow. so beat that you stupid cheerleaders...go to a gymnastics place and try all that  

  12. gymnastics is so much harder i train and try to do the best i can and if i falll i can only get back up theres no questions about it my coach always says. cheerleading is so easy u just skip around doing noting but yelling for your team i would like ti see them do a back tuck on beams or even a handstand on uneven bars. Go Gymnastics!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. btw ur girlfriend issss soooooo wrong u should dump that chic!!!  jkkkkkkk  but at least tell her that she is wrong

  14. u tell them gymnasts  i may only be a level 3 but i know ho hard it is.  cheerleaders are just wanna be gymnasts   who need to get a life.   even though their are bad  gymnastics coaches out there i have a really good one  mrs. jill and mrs. amber  they push you untill you hurt  like  youve been     killed 17 times.  ps. im going to the nationals this year  in aau  . cheerleaders just yell scream and memorize stupid moves which i find annoying!!!  ps.  seriously u cant tell that fast anyways w/out an explaination???  WOW  plus  most boys dont agree that gymnasts are 15x stronger and better than them not to mention that its 1000000000000000000000000x harder!!!!!

  15.  GYmnastics is so much harder go gymnastics i wish i could do gymnastics but my oarents dnt have th money

  16. ya right cheerleading is way harder i get tired of all the gymnasts at our gym saying they dont like cheerleaders and its not the cheerleaders fault that we cant go to the olympics also its not the cheerleaders fault that we dont get taught vault bars or beam also u dont have to be skinny to be a gymnast or cheerleader


  17. In cheerleading is is mainly flor all you do is tumble and throw people into the air. Gymnastics you have beam vault bars and floor, cheerleaders say they are bettter than gymnats when the have a double full. well gymnasts have to do a double full on a 4 in  skinny surface without falling.chherleaders probably dont have any rips or blisters well i have pieces of skin the sized of quarters torn off  my ands and feet.whenn cheerleaders get injured they  cry and sit out, well gymnasts dont do anything exept train harder and compete on a fracture in right tibia, anckle and wrists. you need strenghtth to lift people in the air in cheerleading but that doent even come close to the amount of strenth needed on the uneven bars for gymnats . i want to see a cdheerleader to do a simple skill like a kip cast to handstand. that skill needes so much ab work its insaine no cheerleaders have that .... i could go on forever but those are simple examples.....gyymnastics is wayy harder

  18. hahaha...gymnasts...hardly get pushed? thats the biggest lie. gymnasts have to overstretch one 3 foot mats on your back and front leg and  your coach sits on top of you until your all the way down. sure cheerleaders have to work together and work hard. they can tumble but theyre tumbling cant match a gymnasts.I want to see some cheerleader do Thomas of the hrdest skills... or a cherrleader do a triple full of the bar. At my gym we have a chher team and sometimes i say i want to be a cheerleader because they have it so easy.. Gymnasts are more physically fit i see tons of fat cheerleaders with muffin tops that are apparently at all star level...but you will never see a fat elite gymnasts.One wrong step on vault and you can die instantly. one release to early on bars you end up on your head. One foot missplace ment on land on a solid  wooden object on your head.(pesonal experience). One twist too early on floor doing a thomas salto you instantly snapp your spine and become quadreplegic. I got to go to a cheer gym and do theyre conditioning day and it was like warm up at my gym. In gymnastics you can get pieces of skin torn off on your whole intire hand. Yet i dont cry i try harder.. if a cheerleader gets a rip they cry like theres no tomorrow.  I dont know of a single  cheerleader thhats homeschool for cheerleading... but  a whole LOT OF GYMNASTS are homeschooled for gymnastics. Gymnastics IS 10000000000000 times harder.. cheerleaders cant except that

  19. who ever thinks cheerleading is harder and more AWESOME............. your are an idiot. GO TO THE DOCTOR OR SOMETHING oh yeah and p.s  go gymastics

  20. gymnastics is MUCH HARDER! your coaches dont joke around,you get pushed harder than ever, it is much more than just flipping around, dont say cheerleading is harder when you have only done cheerleading..... try gymnastics then tell your answer!  i have done both cheerleading and gymnastics and by far gymnastics is harder <3!!!!!!!!!

  21. gymnastics is MUCH HARDER! your coaches dont joke around,you get pushed harder than ever, it is much more than just flipping around, dont say cheerleading is harder when you have only done cheerleading..... try gymnastics then tell your answer!  i have done both cheerleading and gymnastics and by far gymnastics is harder <3!!!!!!!!!

  22. OMG who ever says cheerleading is harder you are stupiddddd gymnastics is way cooler and HARDER =)))))))))

  23.  I think both have difficulties, and um, more people die in cheerleading than in gymnastics. Cheerleading is the leading cause of fatal female sports in the world. Death by cheerleading: 62%, and death by gymnastics: 13%. Now, not saying that the 13% doesn't count for anything. Lacrosse for example is 1%, however, it still doesn't hold a candle to the 62%. And also, not all gymnasts can cheer and not all cheerleaders can do gym. I actually do both. Personally, I find cheerleading more difficult, but gymnastics is more taxing on your body. At a high school level of cheerleading, it's about 2 hours a day. At All Star level (me!), its about 4, and for level 7 gym, I do between 3 and 5. However, of the two, I have to say that cheerleading is more difficult, and please DON'T attack me after saying that! I have the right to say that since I do both at high levels. (All Star Level 4-pretty high btw to you gymnasts who don't know cheer levels-and Gym level 7)

  24. Gymnastics is harder the cheerleading!

  25. plus u CAN NOT die instantly in cheerleading but u can in gymnastics. and there are alot of fat cheerleaders 2. and have u ever seen a FAT gymnast??? i havent, it may look like they have fat legs, but thats just rock solid muscle. and gymnasts r 100,000,000,000 x better tumblers than cheerleaders. cheerleaders to cheerleading cuz their not good enough to do gymnastics!

    p.s. (i'm a gymnast, and i'm friends with a 13 yr old who's going to the olympics in 2012)

  26. ROCK ON to ALL the gymnasts out there!!!!! u r all strong and amazing!! show the cheerleaders who's boss!!!!! go GYMNASTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (i'm a gymnast too =D )

  27. gymnastics is 100,000,000 x harder than wimpy cheerleading!!! i'm a gymnast and i train fourteen hrs a week! in gymnastics you have to do 75 push ups and 12 minute handstand holds!!! and if you come out of your handstand you have to climb the rope 10 x without using your legs! (easy) and in cheerleading you just show up and dance and memorize stuff. gymnasts do like the same thing. but if your a gymnast, gymnastics IS your LIFE!!! and btw gymnasts are like a billion x stronger than cheerleaders. im only eleven and i have a 6 pack that shows when i dont even flex!!! and my friend is ten and she can do a back tuck on the high beam!! i'd like to c a cheerleader do that. lol.

  28. gymnastics is 100,000,000 x harder than wimpy cheerleading!!! i'm a gymnast and i train fourteen hrs a week! in gymnastics you have to do 75 push ups and 12 minute handstand holds!!! and if you come out of your handstand you have to climb the rope 10 x without using your legs! (easy) and in cheerleading you just show up and dance and memorize stuff. gymnasts do like the same thing. but if your a gymnast, gymnastics IS your LIFE!!! and btw gymnasts are like a billion x stronger than cheerleaders. im only eleven and i have a 6 pack that shows when i dont even flex!!! and my friend is ten and she can do a back tuck on the high beam!! i'd like to c a cheerleader do that. lol.

  29. gymnastics is 100,000,000 x harder than wimpy cheerleading!!! i'm a gymnast and i train fourteen hrs a week! in gymnastics you have to do 75 push ups and 12 minute handstand holds!!! and in cheerleading you just show up and dance and memorize stuff. gymnasts do like the same thing. but if your a gymnast, gymnastics IS your LIFE!!! and btw gymnasts are like a billion x stronger than cheerleaders. im only eleven and i have a 6 pack that shows when i dont even flex!!!

  30. gymnastics is wayy harder than cheerleading.  It is also more dangerous, one wrong move and you can break something/or really hurt yourself.  anyone can go out and do jumps and smile and yell, gymnasts need a lot of strength and flexibility.

    Cheerleading is like a copy off of gymnastics. and its made easier.  they just tumble and shout and jump, gymnasts do that minus the shouting and they do 3 other events on top of that. they also tumble and jump on a 4 inch balance beam :)  


  31. gymnastics is way harder. Im a gymnast and we have to do conditioning and have alot more skills.You also have more events.I used to be a cheerleader and it was sooooo who are 10 have like twice the skills that the 15 year olds have.

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