
Is chess a actual sport?????

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Is chess a actual sport?????




  1. Personally, I do not consider chess a sport. Most people who excel at one sport (e.g. football, tennis, etc..) can usually pick up another sport and play it more easily than the average person.  I've seen many chess players at my school who suck at all other sports.  There, I decide to classify chess as a game, not a sport.

  2. To me my view on chess an actual sport is like progamming. Who cares? your good at a board game big whoop.

  3. I don't think so.

    No physical activity goes on - unless you count your fingers moving.

    It's more about mental strength.

  4. a sport;  no.  a game yes.  one of the oldest that is played worldwide. so with that,  checkmate my friend.

  5. yes, mental sport

  6. Yes

  7. Yes, chess is considered a sport.  It is an intellectual sport, a strategic sport, a mental sport.

  8. Yes. It is a sport. It is more sport than baseball

    basketball, or shooting (rifle, pistol....). IMHO.

    It is a very interesting question, Indeed.

    How do I tell sport from game ??

    It is a sport if "luck" is not a factor to win or lose.

    The factors should be: strength (mental and physical),

    and skill. The variation of player's strength

    is not considered luck, but part of the sport.

    "Will" can boost both mental and physical strength,

    so it need not to be mention separately. Same apply

    to team-work in team sports.

    In chess, better player almost always win.  Luck can

    hardly play any part of the winning.  I mean when both

    player pass the beginner's level.

    In baseball, a gustily wind may turn a home-run to foul

    ball, or vise versa.  In basketball, the final second 3-pointer

    may just ring-out or bounce-straight-up and drop in.  

    These "beyond players control" event are all "luck".  

    So, they are less sport (more game) than chess.

    Bottom line, less luck means more sport.

    When skill and strength plays no factor at all, then the

    game then become gamble.

    YES.  Chess is a sport.  same as sudoku.

  9. Define sport.

    longer address of your question

    Can Gary Kasparov beat up John Daily?:)

  10. Well technically as far as people know it is a sport. It is a mental based game that pits opponents in a battle of the mind. No one ever said that a sport had to be something physical. Golf is not physical and it is considered a sport. Its all how you perceive it to be.  

  11. Technically chess is not a sport more or less. There is a fine line between being a sport and not. Leagues and teams would probably be required to be an "actual" sport.  

  12. H*ll, yeah!

  13. Yes, really.

  14. Yes. It is a mental sport, anticipating the opponents move in aadvance& to play accordingly to win.

  15. To me it is a hobby/interest/game that requires the use of the mind but not necessarily the body (in any meaningful sense)...but I define sport as something requiring a significant exercise of muscles/reactions/coordination in competition against a goal or other persons and which has set limits and parameters.

    To a purist who'd define chess as a sport, well, then so would be baking, drawing, playing piano, or flying box kites.

  16. Chess is a game.  Chess is art.  Chess is a sport.

    Did everyone watch the NBA Finals?

    Comparing Chess to other Sports; and conversely:

    Comparing other Sports to Chess.

    Chess is often considered to be a sport: like the 1-to-1 sports of: Tennis, Bowling, etc.

    It's interesting that Bobby Fischer considered chess to be most like basketball.  

    Fischer for many years had taken to some Knicks games,

    and Fischer was introduced to Dave DeBusschere.

    Fischer said that the Basketball players pass the ball around until they get an opening. Like chess, like the mating attack."

    Bobby Fischer understood well that good physical condition is very necessary to play chess for hours at the championship level.

    Chess will not build up your muscles, but it will take a toll physically.

    Orange Juice, or some other quick sugar rush, can help at gametime.

    Conversely, Sportscasters often considered their sport to be  a chess game.

    For example, in the 2008 NBA Finals,

    Fox News wrote that Phil Jackson lost the chess match.

    Jackson didn't make right moves vs. Celtics.

    Surprisingly: it was a actually chess mismatch.

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