
Is chewing a pen a bad thing?

by  |  earlier

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i find it pretty amusing when @ work, staring at endless lines of code




  1. yes

  2. It is quite a bad habit, and I've destroyed so many good pens doing that :( So I switched to pencils, I chewed them for a while but it got quite disgusting, because all the outer coating and wood kept coming off ... so I stopped :) Every time I use a pen I usually start chewing it again, it's quite fun :)

  3. It is a very nasty habit, that spreads germs from your hands to you stomach. It would also spread your germs to a co-worker who asks to borrow your pen.

  4. not bad until you start swallowing plastic, or it breaks and youve got ink in your mouth...

  5. i believe it is not a complete bad thing but a bad habit::) if you have swallowed some plastic that may be bad for  your stomach and also if you end up swallowing some ink. I think it is not that bad, i can tell from my own experience that it calms nerves

  6. owwwerr i never thort of it being bad before...

    I do it all the time, pen chewwing goes into evertime when im stressed....

    maybe you could like boil the pena nd make it sterile?!?

    ha ha

  7. well its a bad habit

  8. Good or bad is subjective. Germs aren't bad unless you get sick from them. You could try chewing gum instead.

    Love is the answer,  Pandora

  9. It could get germs from handling it all the time and being exposed to the air.

    It could also mean you have an oral fixation.

  10. Yes, I think so. For one, it's going to ruin the pencil. It may ruin your teeth too..

  11. I think its a bad habit not as bad as other habits, I used to do it (especially when it comes to math), and i still do it sometimes, i guess you just don't really think about all the germs on the pen your chewing, or that you could transfer a disease by that simple action, so i think the best way to kill this habit is to simply think about the potential consequences of what your about to do (that is if you wanna get rid of it).

  12. so you didn't accidental swallow it? lol... when i am at school (college not high school)and i have nothing to do i get on line and kill time like that... i used to chew on pencils but they told me that it was bad for me... well if you chew it be care full and don't swallow ink!

  13. I suspect it puts all sorts of nasty particles (plastic, ink, etc) into your lungs, but I do it all the time.....


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