
Is chewing gum bad for you?

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My friend told me that if you chew a lot of gum you wear down something in your jaw (i think she said the cartilage) and you have to get surgery to replace it and the only place they can find cartilage to replace it is in your ribs.

I don't really think this is true but I just want to make sure because I do chew alot of gum!

all answers are welcome and thank you in advance =)




  1. No chewing gum does NOT affect your jaw. Your jaw is designed to move constantly and is extra durable if chewing affected our jaw bone we'd all be in trouble. If anything chewing gum is good for your dental health. Chewing gum stimulates saliva flow and saliva helps wash away andneutralizee acid produced b bacteria in plaque. Chewing gum also relives pressure in ears and sinuses. Hope this helps you chew with a clear conscience ;)

  2. no..its not bad. in fact  wenever u chew gum it means ur letting ur mouth  excersize

  3. Your friend is a liar when it comes to gum.

  4. I chew it 24/7, infact im chewing it right now :D but..Chewing gum causes unnecessary wear and tear of the cartilage that acts as a shock absorber in your jaw joints. Once its damaged this area can create pain and discomfort for a lifetime.

    You use eight different facial muscles to chew. Unnecessary chewing can create chronic tightness in two of these muscles, located close to your temples. This can put pressure on the nerves that supply this area of your head, contributing to chronic, intermittent headaches.

    You have six salivary glands located throughout your mouth that are stimulated to produce and release saliva whenever you chew. Producing a steady stream of saliva for chewing gum is a waste of energy and resources that could otherwise be used for essential metabolic activities.

    Most chewing gum is sweetened with aspartame. Short and long term use of aspartame has been closely linked with cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders, and birth defects.

    If your gum isn't sweetened by aspartame, it is probably sweetened by sugar. Sugar is most likely the single greatest dietary cause of chronic health problems like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and emotional disorders...kinda scary ehh.. *gulp* there is some good gum, but thats only if it has xylitol.

  5. it depends on what kind of gum you chew

    if its thin like dentine, your teeth end up grinding and you end up wearing down the layer of enamel on the crown of your tooth but that only with EXCESSIVE grinding.  

    by the way, by chewing gum you strengthen your jaw.

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