
Is chicken broth made out of real chickens?

by Guest66550  |  earlier

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I wanted to know because my cousin is a vegetarian (I am too) and she eats chicken broth. (I don't)




  1. Yes, it is. What we've learned here is that your cousin isn't a vegetarian!

  2. yep, have vegetable broth instead

  3. Yes, it is. That is why they also make vegtable broth

  4. Your cousin isn't a vegetarian.

  5. Of course it is, did you think it was made from cartoon chickens?

  6. yes, unfortunately it is. But tell your cousin that you can get "chicken style" broth that is vegetarian, otherwise vegetable broth tastes great as well.

  7. I had lunch with an Indian lady who ordered onion soup.

    She thought it was just made from onions;-{ duh!

  8. Normal standard chicken broth / stock / powder, is made out of real chickens. It is made by boiling the meat carcass and bones of a chicken.

    However, you can buy a chicken-STYLE broth / stock / powder, that is completely vegan.

    In Australia, you can buy a vegan chicken-style broth / stock / powder, which is made by Massel.

    These Massel products contain no animal content, no added MSG, no gluten and no lactose. And say vegan friendly on the carton.

    So when buying pre-packaged, check the label first.


  9. Chicken brother is stewed chicken carcass. Yummeh!

    Your cousin isn't a vegetarian.

  10. yes, unfortunatly, it is. i would tell your cousin in an informitave way. its not her fault. i was unaware of this fact when i first became a vegatarian. unlike a few people on here have said, if your cousin did not know it was made out of real chickens, she is still a vegetarian. : )

  11. put the chicken in the water, you boil it, and you get broth, and its really good for you

  12. Yes, chicken broth is real chickens.  So is chicken fat, chicken powder, etc...  If it sounds like animal, it's a pretty sure bet that it's animal.

    (Your cousin is not a vegetarian.)

  13. It's made out of chicken bones and chicken meat. Being a vegetarian doesn't mean you can't eat chicken broth, if you don't eat ANY animal products at all, then you are most likely a vegan, not a vegetarian.

  14. Chicken broth is made out of the carcasses of severely abused and defenseless animals: chickens.  She should know this if she's trying to be a vegetarian.

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