
Is childhood a right that every kid has?

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Does someone robbed of a "normal" childhood have any possibility of stability as an adult?

Give me your opinions.

I'm interested on this.




  1. This person may have to learn what has happened and deal with adulthood.

  2. yeah cause they would of grown up independent so when they reach adult hood they would pretty much be fine... apart from the trauma as a child.

  3. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo...

  4. Everyone has a childhood, whether it's good or bad depends on their environment and the people with them.

    Someone who doesn't have a normal childhood would have a more difficult time with stability as an adult.. It's not impossible for them to be stable and happy though - if they meet the right kind of people, they could be happy.


  6. well, my kid hasn't really in that she has to spend her whole summers in a hot unairconditioned room with nothing in the room but a bed. she's under court ordered visitation with her lunatic mother. she can't go outside because of the neighborhood the mother lives in, it's really bad. she won't go into the living room because her mother sits in there all day talking to herself. this scares her terribly. she's had to do this for the last seven years. no friends, no fun, no nothing. just sit in that room. i continually check for signs of her cracking up, but believe me, she's tough. she handles it better than me. she'll be ok, i'm sure. i wish i could say the same for myself though. the injustice is killing me.

    she'll be home in six days! soon she'll be doing backflips on her trampoline, hitting the myspace, hanging out with friends, and loving school! quite an awesome spirit!

  7. It should be a right.

    Depending on the emotional and physical hardship a person goes through as a child, and on the therapy they require and get as an adult might dictate whether they are ever able to again capture that sense of childhood happiness.

  8. i see this in 2 ways.

    One, someone robbed, or had a bad childhood would be bad, or rebel against what happened to them all those years. If it was being hit, neglected, sexually harrased, locked up...

    They might grow up to be bad to, fight, drink, drugs, kill maybe, steel, or do what there parents did to them as children.


    Two they might want nothing to do with there past.

    Move away, start fresh, act like it never happened.

    OR last but not least,

    They might be so messed up they could shy away from people compleatly. I new a girl who is dead afraid of men from her father beating her as a little girl.

    Thats my opinion, hope this helped

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