
Is china RIGGING the olympics?

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especially in gymnastics china has been getting higher scores then anyone. even if usa performed an excellent routine they got like 15.25. First of all those little chinese girls are turning 14! You have to be 16 to be a gymnist in the olympics. What do you think about this?




  1. Dude they are soooooooo rigging this sh*t. Its not even fun to watch. For the person who made the comment about the U.S. winning 80% of the swimming Medals....Its the events where judges are issuing the scores that are being rigged. Swimming is a race where there is an obvious winner...Duh! The US is on top when it comes to these types of events.

    As for the Chinese underage gymnast...I ask you to observe the way her coaches and teammates treat her when she embraces them after an event. This girl is a baby! But hey ... Its as if the Olympics were held in Cuba...did u expect it to be fair? Come on now, be

  2. It's not rigged.  Don't get me started in the age issue, but what are you going to do?  The whole country is willing to lie about it so nothing can be done.  As far as scoring goes I agree the judges had it out for the American gymnasts (though not all of them are Chinese), but they came out on top any way and that's what matters.

  3. i guess its possible but i don't think they are rigging it....maybe. but its true that they are giving the some of the chinese gymnasts higher scores than they deserve. also, that one routine nastia did on the first night, they gave her a WAY lower score than she deserved.

  4. the U.S. won Gold and Silver in individual womens, that's all I care about.  The Chinese girl on the balance beam got way too high of a score and they scored Shawn Johnson way too low on the balance beam, anyone can see that.

    But we still got the win.

  5. The announcers have said several time that the scoring of the Americans in women's gymnastics is too low compared to the Chinese and Russians.  One announcer suggested that the judges were penalizing Shawn Johnson for not having a more "artistic" performance.  Another announcer said that the judges counted every single deduction possible against the Americans, reviewing the tapes over and over again to find every flaw.  The scores for the Chinese and Russians came back faster every time, often with fewer deductions.  So I do think that the judges seemed unfair but not all the judges are Chinese!

    The age issue is difficult to sort out and there's a lot of rumors flying around.  When I look at the female Chinese gymnasts I think some of them look too young to be 16.  One is missing a front tooth and she looks about 10.  Plus there are there are records of the girls being other ages in earlier competitions (so were they lying then or now?).  At this point, the Olympic Committee requires athletes to prove their age with a passport issued by their home country.  The Chinese did that.  But the Olympic Committee also said that if they find out the girls lied they will be stripped of their medals.  

    I don't think China is rigging the Olympics but there is some funny stuff going on.  That's for sure.

  6. No. Not all the judges are Chinese!! Gosh... such bias. There's no solid proof about the Chinese gymnasts being younger than 16. Right now people are just basing them on looks... which can be deceiving.  And this is an international competition. They would not rig such an important thing. In swimming USA is winning 80% of all the medals. They're rigging that too aren't they?!

  7. It wasn't rigged, but it was biased, Shaw Johnston  was robbed and the Chinese girl who balance checked too many times to count got a high score.

    And government backed forging of documents isn't proof of age.

  8. Gymnastic Scoring 101

    Girl A puts in a routine with a difficulty level of 6.0. She completes it flawlessly getting the full B score of 10.0. Her total score - 16.0

    Girl B puts in a routine with a difficulty level of 7.0. She goes through the routine fine but lands on her butt on the dismount and is deducted 0.8 for the fall. Her total score is 16.2.

    Girl B wins. Not because its rigged, but because she tried to do something harder and is rewarded for her skill and attempt to.

    On your First of all.. Do you have their birth certificates do you? Well, since you have the proof enough to be able to state categorically their ages then you should forward it to the IOC, because at the moment, you appear to be the only person with 'proof' that they are 14. China has already provided the IOC with 'proof' that they are 16. =)

  9. I have seen games where the Chinese have played well and others where there was massive cheating going on. Gymnastics and soccer are two that I watched with my jaw on the floor over all of the cheating going on. And they still lost, anyway, hahahahah.  

  10. well i was listening to the radio one morning and somebody rung in and said that a friend of a friend knows stephanie rice, and she said that after they are given their medal's they are taken to a room where they are tested for drugs, but the chinese competitors arent tested... hmm strange considering china is hosting this olympic's.

  11. I just think that the judges didn't like Shawn Johnson. I was definitely for Nastia Liukin, but Shawn did get robbed on her beam routine. But then again, Nastia was robbed on her vault. Alot of the Chinese girls were getting way to high of scores. Like Jiang Yuayan got way too high of a score on her beam routine.  

  12. Why do people think the judges have to be Chinese to cheat? I think there are some definite errors in all sports - gymnastics, soccer, etc.

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