
Is china a great place to visit?

by Guest62877  |  earlier

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and how much money should i take? thanks




  1. China is an amazing place to visit especially if you have an open mind and don't comethere with blinkers on only looking for the negative aspects. I spent 6 weeks recently mostly in Hunan and Yunan provinces and loved it. I saw nothing of oppression within the people, I saw prosperity, jobs and clean cities (so it is not an act being put on by Beijing for the western viewers as I was in a city with no westerners.)

    The rural areas are still poor but  China is changing and people definitely have more opportunity than they had. No I dont agree with all the policies regarding forced abortions etc but that does not mean that it not a great place to visit. These aspects overshadow everything in the media and I wish sometimes people would get a bit of balance when they make judgements about things. Overall, we saw happy, kind, helpful (falling over themselves to help mostly) and had a wonderful time.

  2. If you love seeing animals totured than go for it.

  3. if your a seasoned traveller you will have a great time in china, you can stay there easily for $2000 a month if not staying in 5 star hotels. there are many hotels at $20-25 a day but more difficult to find in major cities. food, drinks, transport, entertainment is cheap, you may have to work on your language skills if you move west away from the coast. most people are friendly and helpful to westerners

  4. no not if you believe in people having the right to basic human rights and want to visit a communist country that censors everything they want people to see.

    Do you think the people protesting against the olympics were doing it for fun don't think so.

    Did you see how many innocent people were beaten and forced out of there homes so they could build a olympic village.

    So no i dont think china is a good place to visit

  5. Yes, good place.

    Within 5000 bucks.  

  6. china is realy good to vist and cheap place to have fun...and lots of massages and the clubs are great........but where in china you going can go to to see how good is china

  7. Not a great place;but,it's worth travel.

  8. It's a very cheap place without escort girls...

  9. I think the most attractive elites in China are the history and minorities' customs.

    China has a history of 5000 years. The Terracotta Armies in Xi'an is the most attractive relic in my mind.

    China has 56 Peoples. I think the minorities' villages in Yunnan Province is the most attractive cultural attractions.

  10. it's more like "China is a country with many great places to visit"

    as for money -- it's impossible to make a prior calculation because you haven't provided the info of entertainments you are interested in and areas you are heading to... so it's all up to you

  11. I bet it would be. I would trade one of my arms to find out first hand. Ha ha ha ha ha. Anyway, go!

  12. Hmm, it's not really clear what kind of traveling you'd be interested in doing.  If you're looking for looking for natural beauty, I'd recommend Yunnan (it's like the Yosemite of China) - Shangri-La and Lijiang.  If you're more into the cultural stuff, Beijing is probably the best place to visit for its wealth of both world-class museums and culturally significant buildings (the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heavenly Peace, etc).  It's also a haven for nightlife and has a great bar and club scene (SanLiTun, HouHai, Mics, Vics etc).  Shanghai's also terrific if you want something modern.  

    I suspect that the first responder hasn't been to China.  That's basically the equivalent of saying you don't support Bush's politics or the War in Iraq and thus refusing to visit NYC or Yellowstone.  Travel in China is safe and ridiculously cheap!  Outside of plane tickets, I traveled for 2.5 months on $3,000 USD.

  13. yupp. there are plenty of fake branded goods there that you just cannot resist. when i went there, i took 10000 RMB, which is equivalent to about 2000 singapore dollars, and equivalent to about 1000 US dollars? yuppp. don't forget about entrance fees and food (if yours isn't a package tour)

    but it's a great place. plenty of places to visit and plenty of things to learn. the air quality isn't that bad either. it's bearable.  

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