
Is choosing to be a SAHM as legitimate as choosing to be a working mom?

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In other words, does anyone feel like I am hurting all women by making this choice?




  1. absolutely what makes you personally fulfilled and your family functioning optimally..if that's being a SAHM this feminist supports you 100% and I have a lot of respect for your choice!

  2. The only legitimate choice is your own.

  3. Yes, it's a legitimate choice.

  4. Since the majority of our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers were SAHM's-I believe being a SAHM is a worthy occupation.

  5. In today's work-obsessed world, the only legitimate choice for anyone to make is to be a wage slave.  If you are not out earning money, then you are nobody.  Making money is all that matters.

    If you want to be a housewife, then be one for your own satisfaction and pleasure,and for that of your children, don't imagine that anyone else will consider your choice legitimate, because they won't.  You have to be out in the 'real world' (i.e. the world of work) if you want to be considered legitimate.

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