
Is cigarette smoke better or worse for your eyes than marijuana smoke?

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I'm just curious on the differences between the chemical make-ups of the two types of smoke, and how they affect the eyes overall. I have an eye condition that makes them sensitive to a lot of things, but it seems like cigarettes feel worse on them. Am I just imagining things, or does the marijuana just make me not feel the burn?




  1. marijuana is cannabis sativa (a plant), enough said. A cigarette is well.... too much to list (ie, Formaldehyde, Ammonia, 'Nicotine', tar, oh and some tobacco, :P )

    Anyways, marijuana is simply buds, flowers from the female cannabis sativa plant. Its not processed with a bunch of addictive drugs, its just used to vaporize the THC that is then breathed in. So what are you inhaling.... some smoke, some co2, THC, and... well thats about it.

    What are you inhaling when u smoke a cigarette, a BUNCH of chemicals used to keep you addicted and get a more of a feeling that tobacco would alone.

    Keep in mind, if you are not the one inhaling the smoke just around it or breathing it or ect, it works the same way.

    So to answer your question, why are your eyes hurting more from cigarette smoke? Because there is at least 1 chemical (most likely hundreds) that is causing a harmful reaction to your eyes.

    Why doesnt marijuana smoke hurt it, well its not much different than.... regular smoke.

  2. ....cigarettes have chem's added

    ...pot is not modified

    ...both are burned and heat combines carbon, enzymes and various chem's already in either plant to form hundreds of new and harmful chem's

    ....both are attributed to respiratory diseases, including CX

    ....check your blood pressure next time smoking (before during and after, each half-hour, over a couple of hours)

    ...log your b/p each day, watch the fluctuations....the readings are related to cardiovascular function....and how much your veins and arteries are stretching and contracting

    ....your blood vessels are like a balloon, so is your skin, and all of the vessels in your organs, i.e., lungs, heart, kidney

    ....then marinating those vessles (and organs) in harmful chemicals over a few decades creates an 'unnatural' progression in the life of the respective tissue of blood vessels and major organs

    ....just a question: "how, by smoking cigarettes, does a male prostrate gland develop or female cervix cancer?"

    ...i am just asking....i know you and many others know better than I as to how that might occur


  3. They are both BAD no matter what. Smoke is smoke.

  4. Well Firstly, Cigarette Smoke And Marijuana Smoke Are Smokes. They are both as equal to each other as it is! With both of them you will get very watery eyes. Not to mention having a non-removable odor on your body and an increasing chance of having a heart-attack and cancer. These are the side-effects of smoking. Something else..EVERY SMOKER HAS A LEVEL OF EMPHYSEMA!

    Hope This Information Helps,


  5. no difference.. they're both harmful smoke

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