
Is clear urination a bad thing and how does that happen?

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i occasionally (not often) get a clear pee.. Looks like water. i drink alot of water during the day ( atleast 2 liters). Can some1 tell me why i get clear p**s sometimes?




  1. Crystal clear pee is an excellent sign. It means that you are well hydrated and healthy. Urine that is yellow or any other colors contains toxins and or excessive vitamin waste that your body has not been able to use. Keep drinking the water it is the best for your body. It is recommended to drink half of your body weight in ounces as the bare minimum per day. I drink a lot of water also, and mine is always clear except for a short period where it turns this really cool bright neon green due to excess vitamin b from a vitamin b complex pill I take daily.

  2. Clear pee is a good thing !!!  It's the gross yellow pee, that I would be worried about. If you are hydrated, it is a good thing !!!!!

  3. This is an excellent thing, for it means your body is completely hydrated and like the first answerer stated, you don't have much waste to get rid of. The darker your urine is, the less hydrated your body is, which means you need water. Just continue drinking water and keep yourself healthy. Hope this helps.

  4. I learned this at a nature trip.

    Most of the time, if you're pee is yellow, it means you're not drinking enough.

    And, usually, when your pee is white, it means you're drinking a lot. (Which is very good.)

    So... don't worry, it's good if your pee is white. lol

  5. If its clear its good.Means your getting enough water.

  6. yellow is waste, if its clear, then your body is just getting rid of fluids.

    That's good.

    Just like if you don't eat for a long time. You actually p**p yellow also.

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