I keep seeing newsreports of how we need to change to "combat" climate change by being more energy efficient around the house and with transportation etc, as if we're all doomed unless we change, and change FAST.
But the way I see it, if climate change is so much of an issue, why has it only in recent years come to surface among the worlds many problems? 10 years ago I don't remember seeing anything about climate change.
5 years ago you could ask someone in the street, "Do you worry about climate change?" and get a "Lol what?" reply.
Now it's more like, "Do you worry about climate change?" and get, "Oh very much so, I've been spending much less time on the roads and saving a lot of energy around the house."
I'm just saying, the change in views to the climate has changed very suddenly, and it seems to be a very fearful topic.
But, is it really a threat? The Earths climate has always been changing, from the Ice Age to tropical climates of the dino era, to now.
And... who profits?