
Is climatology a pseudoscience?

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An interesting point made here.




  1. interesting, another blog claiming to have disproven global

  2. I would call it a science in its infancy.  It is ripe with misinformation, false claims, politicizing, and exaggeration.

  3. As the blogger states in the very beginning of his Blog entry, Climatology isn't a pseudoscience.  I do understand what he's saying (And to some who just shrugged off the entire blog as another person who doesn't believe in AGW, I think you should actually read the entire blog entry. Since all he's talking about is how the scientists are holding onto their climate models.)

    I Love this quiz:

    "Your model has predicted that temperatures will go up because CO2 has, but unfortunately temperatures have gone down. Do you:

    1. Abandon the model and seek a new career

    2. Discover where the model went wrong; publish results admitting why and how you were wrong

    3. Sit and wait: after all, the temperature is bound to increase sooner or later, hence validating your model

    4. Believe that the model cannot be wrong, else so many people wouldn’t believe it, and so posit some new source that is “holding back” warming, and only if that new source weren’t there, your model would be perfect. "

    I natural gravitated to number 2, it's logical to me to do that.

    The thing is a lot of the scientists are being a bit stubborn and doing 3 and 4. And that's what this blog was all about. Not that he doesn't believe in AGW. That's why I think you AGW believers on here are starting to lose the respect of the skeptics on here. Because you just shove everything we bring to the table aside without even looking at the information.

  4. no. pseudoscience means that something is on the fringes of science where as climatology is widely regarded as a mainstream part of the atmospheric sciences.

  5. Youi might be confusing it with 'scientology'!

  6. Climatology itself is not a pseudoscience.

    However, the most of the people who study it are pseudo-scientists.

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