
Is co-habitation better for the environment than living separately?

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Can Gnomes and Rabbits successfully share homes?




  1. if they share a toilet this will be more economic

    at least with the water ,if they only flush after both have used it

  2. Yes.  Actually they can successfully share homes.  Rabbits are very good at gnawing things and the gnomes would be wise to harness their power of gnawing to chew new homes in trees for the gnomes.  Additionally, the rabbits can provide swift transportation for small gnomes that ride upon their back.  Rabbits can also thump a warning to all gnomes that danger is near!  In exchange, gnomes can garden and grow many things that rabbits like to eat.

  3. Co-habitation should be better for the environment if you make it so.  Cook together, (use less fuel, less food, less time), washing and drying clothes, (full loads are more efficient than more smaller loads), sleep together (one less bed, plus you can have more fun that way), shower together, (save water) etc.

  4. a NY Yankee and co hab with wife...a BOSOX water shower with a friend

  5. yes, 100%

  6. Gnomes have always appeared distant and shy to the human population.  As they live a mainly a free, taciturn lifestyle below the earth, they seem as though they are unfriendly and grmpy creatures!  On the contrary no one realizes that we see rabbits only as often, and they have the same (though much less intelligent) behavior patterns!  So why do we see one as cute and cuddly and one that seemingly hates cohabitating with anyone on the planet?

    The truth is that, while they are completely unfriendly to us humans (and it makes a lot of sense - they do not want to be stepped on, or their homes destroyed), they are wonderfully at peace with rabbits.

    Your question is, is it better for the environment?

    The answer is, yes, just like us humans.  A hot-button topic for humans is deforestation and the use and wasting of wood and glass to create large houses and knocking down forests!  Interestingly, gnomes have a similar hot-button topic!  De-groundization, or the digging of many holes, making it impossible for trees to penetrate the swiss-cheese earth!  Thousands of acres of trees die each year by the hands of gnome-suburban developers.  A big strategy that they have came to embrace was the moving and cohabitation of rabbits.

    Rabbits, being very sniffly and care-free, have not really minded that the gnomes have moved into their already dug holes.  What they did mind was when the gnomes tied rucksacks to their backs and made them deliver letters via the 'jackrabbit express' system, but that system folded in 1987 when the rabbits blocked their homes with carrots and refused to let the gnomes back in.  They drafted the 'Post Regulatory And Equality Act of 1987' which agreed to a carrot for a letter system, building the strong, and environmentally conscious system we have in place today.

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