
Is co2 heavier than air? if so, how can it contribute to global warming if it would be between air and water?

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zes this is why im asking this question..




  1. Google "homosphere"


  2. Pappy got it!  CO2 has an affinity for cool H2O.

    Heating water outgasses CO2 and heating oceans will do the same on a much much larger scale. It is said that oceans contain 60 - 90 times the CO2 found in the atmosphere - and no can calculate how much CO2 lies beneath the lithosphere!!

    Moisture in cool night air combines with CO2 and drops out of the atmosphere as Dew in the morning.  Haven't you seen dew on the ground in the very early morning?

    The combination goes into soil where it is picked up by plant root systems and gives plants some of the critical Carbon essential to the plant's chemical structure.

    Humans and Plants are called Carbon based life forms for a reason.

  3. Chemistry...

    You can't calculate such the way, if that's it, we all gonna die!

  4. Yes, that is right. Everybody has been talking a lot about that lately. More and more scientists are speaking out on that matter.

    Thanks for helping to spread the word about carbon dioxide. Now everybody knows.

  5. So your willing to breathe CO2?

  6. According to your reasoning we would all be breathing pure oxygen right now because it is heavier than atmospheric nitrogen, the main component molecule of the atmosphere.  So really, your question is meaningless. Leave global warming to the climatologists, please.

  7. (Gengi) is half right, it takes some form of energy to excited the electrons. It is a mix that, is in a constant state of flux. Until either it cools, or is forced. This can be done through chemical transitions also, such as HCO2...etc. Each molecular atom in a compound  has a tendency to revert back to what it was  originally. Thus a cycle is created along with half life's. First bio molecular law.

  8. Wind, thermals and turbulance mix everything throughly.

  9. Superheated CO2 is expelled in vast quantities during Al Gore's oral flatulence.   This has been famously captured on a widely distributed bad film, the product of his own making and shameless self-promotion.

  10. when are you all going to figure out your being lied too?

  11. yes. it dose not matter that it is heavier. it will be mixed throughout the atmosphere anyway. its sort of like how shuger can be mixed throughout a cup of tea by mixing it. in this case the mixing is done by winds and currents.

    edit i was just using tea as an example. gasses are far essayer to mix then liquids and the differences in density are negligible. also these gasses are always being mixed by air currents and wind.

  12. The empirical fact is that CO2 is uniformly mixed through all altitudes of the atmosphere.  The simple explanation is that a system will maximize entropy (The second law of thermodynamics).  A gas mixture has more disorder (entropy) than separated gas.

  13. co2  heavier than h2o and o get that sinking feeling

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