
Is cocatail and african grey parrots are legal to keep in home as pet in india ?

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where should i get the legel list of birds keep as pet in india .is exotic birds are legal to keep in home as pet specially cocatails and african grey parrots. i want to keep african gray parrots as pets in home.

is african grey is legal to keep as pet in india .




  1. according to me birds are not supposed to be kept in cage or as pets they are supposed to be set free.

  2. The Indian Wildlife Act - is concerned with the protection / conservation of just that - Indian Wildlife. It is absolutely legal to keep foreign birds, especially the free-breeding ones like the cockateil and the african grey ( as also other common species like african lovebirds, budgerigars, assorted parrots, various finches, pigeons, doves etc ) as long as you take care of them and dont abuse them.

    Unless you are in possession of an internationally endangered species,

    the law will not intervene.

    Some self-styled conservationists, who know next to nothing about the Wildlife act, and even less about birds & animals, are just trying to create panic among pet lovers.

    Are they aware that internationally, captive breeding has been accepted as the most viable conservation solution - and has resurrected near-extinct species ? Do they know that a well cared for and loved pet has a healthier and longerlifespan than its counterpart in the wild ?

    By all means keep a cockateil or african grey, I have both, and love and cherish them.

    All the best !

  3. Hi Vijay,

    I honestly don't know about keeping parrots in India. I'm sure you have found out as much as you can about their needs. Parrots are incredibly demanding and live as long as humans if they are looked after properly. If you do decide on keeping these birds look on it as a marriage - for life with all the responsibilities that come with it.

    You could check with CITES to see the legal status.

    It is incredibly important that if it is legal and you do decide to own parrots that you make sure they have NOT been taken from the wild (which is illegal everywhere) but come from a reputable breeder.

    Better by far though if you can work in consevation to preserve the existing environment the natural parrots of your country live in. Or work for a charity that protects birds where they live. Then you will be of real service to those beautiful birds.

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