
Is coffee easy to purchase in the UK (Scotland, England, and Wales)?

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Next month (August) my wife and I are traveling to the UK for a tour of that part of the world.

I have heard that tea is the primary morning "beverage of choice" in the UK, however, ours is coffee.

Is it difficult to purchase a cup of coffee at the restaurants ?

Also, is Decaffeinated tea (and or coffee) easily available ?

Please, HONEST, ANSWER'S ONLY, and don't pass this question off as "another dumb-a** tourist" from America, I just don't want to waste peoples time (and mine) ordering what's not available.

Thank you...........




  1. Coffee is as readily available as tea here, they will ask at breakfast "tea or coffee" as many people prefer it to tea. If you ask most places have decaff tea and coffee available (it's easier to get decaff coffee then decaff tea). Sometimes they don't have it in the room (usually you just get normal tea and coffee and sometimes herbal or fruit tea) but you can easily go and buy a small jar\packet of tea bags from the local shop.

    Don't panic. It's as prolific here as it is in the States (Having briefly worked in the States I know this to be true).

    Enjoy your holiday. I hope you get a chance to visit Oxford at somepoint :-)

  2. yes coffee is very available, in fact a lot of people prefer coffee and I think it's becoming a myth that the English primarily drink tea ... there are loads of coffee shops all over the place selling capuccino etc but at a price, the nice ones such as Costa Coffee and Cafe Nero etc cost around £2 a cup ... in a hotel coffee is always available as well as tea ... I drink decaf coffee too and in the better coffee shops and hotels decaf is always available (but to be honest altho I drink decaf at home I do look forward to a dose of caffeine when I'm out)

  3. Yes it is easy to purchase coffee in the UK (Northern Ireland) too.

  4. yes coffee is popular here and thereis loads of coffe shops and in supermarkets you can easily buy it, dont worry you will not have a problem getting coffee

  5. Of course. You can have tea, coffee, hot chocolate, latte, espresso anything you want here.

    Don't know about decaf but there's no harm asking and no you wouldn't be wasting peoples time

    tip: Don't go to a Starbucks that's the most expensive cafe here and they will rob you blind.

  6. No offence but questions like that do make me laugh.

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