
Is coffee ok for 7 year old?

by  |  earlier

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My twins are 7 and they ask to sip my coffee or ask to have 1/4 cup once in awhile not daily or even weekly. I remember drinking coffee at a very young age, but my husband hates it to this day and says its really bad for them.




  1. no well once in a while and coffee stops growth which makes you short

  2. no.. unless you want them to be short... coffee stunts growth

  3. Give them decafe

  4. it's fine, i mean, it's not like their drinking more than 3 cups a day

  5. NO IT IS NOT.

    Coffee has a large amount of caffeine in it, you know that well. And as caffeine is a drug, and kids aren't allowed to consume any drug, so it is bad for them. It might bring out some side effects.

  6. A sip or even a 1/4 cup every now and then isn't going to hurt them - although it may hype them up and make them excited (all that caffeine) but I don't see any harm in a little bit.

  7. give them decaf instead..they dont need the caffiene

  8. There is absolutely no reason to give children coffee. It is full of caffeine, 85mg per serving, so even 1/4 cup for a 7 year old is too much. There are absolutely no health benefits to it at all. Plus it is vile, nasty stuff.

    If you let them sip from it from time to time that should be fine. Disgusting but fine. But don't give them more then that.

  9. dang, you guys on here are harsh! I love how no one has offered scientific proof of any of your claims.

    lattes are much better for your kids. just use drip coffee and milk and sugar and they'll be set. they most likely just want to be like you having your coffee in the morning or evening must be a habit. if you drown the coffee with milk put it in a cup and saucer like you do, they'll have blast! we used to have tea and coffee parties when I was a kid. now it's even cooler with then advent of starbucks etc. It would be hard to say an outright no, when coffee is so very IN right now.

  10. I don't see anything wrong with it.

    My former mother-in-law used to give coffee to her 3 sons to calm them down....they all were pretty hyper.

    They range from 5'11" to 6'3". My son is 6'5" at age 16 and has been having sips of coffee or small amounts with cream since he was 5 or 6. It surely didn't stunt his growth unless he was supposed  to be 7 ft tall. I think it is fine in moderation. I would always put extra cream in the cup and only put a small amount of coffee.

    It's harmless as far as I can tell from my own experiences.

  11. yes

  12. Its ok but a little amount

    I myself gave my daughter who is 3 years old about 2 ounce or gave half cup off and on

  13. it is bad because it has caffeine in it and caffeine is a drug!!

    but a little sip is fine

  14. it perfectly fine i have been drinking coffe since i have been like 5 there is nothing wrong with it and it does not stunt your groth im 5'5  

  15. its really bad for them.

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