
Is cola really dangerous for your health, even diet coke??

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wow thanks a lot. I didnt know it had any effects on the bones!




  1. I wouldn't say dangerous. But is not good for you. Could be linked to bone loss. Just water is better or even I think coffee is better. Carbonated drinks are dehydrating.

  2. Try it and see if you die

  3. Of course it is bad for health. Because one can of soft drink could be more than 8 tea spoons of sugar. Drinking to much is not good. Probally once a month is best. Is even better is you don't drink at all.

  4. Drinking coke is not dangerous but having an over doze of it is because coke is a very acidic drink that is even used for cleaning toilets! No, coke is not dangerous but yes, it's very bad for your health so... be warned! :))

  5. yes.. coke is very bad for your teeth and diet coke

    it is corrosive, and can rot your teeth

    oral heath affects overall heath (like the commercials say)

    it takes less than a month for bottle of coke to completely DISSOLVE A NAIL

    if you do continue to drink it.... drink through a straw, to help bypass teeth

  6. It's not the best thing to drink. But it isn't going to kill you....well not soon anyway.

  7. Cola is bad for your health, its full of sugar and preservatives.  

    I read that police officers in some states carry it in their cars to clean up blood stains from wrecks.

    It will eat spilled battery acid off of your battery in your car.

    It can be used to clean burnt pots and pans by boiling cola in them

    The Navy uses it to clean submarine hulls(the outside of the ship)

    Remove rust spots

    Clean the toilet

    and lots more!!!!!

    and we drink the stuff --- Yummy

    I read all of this on the webpage I have listed as my source, check it out.

  8. They say it does, not that it ever stopped me

  9. in 10 years the food and drug association will come out with a statement saying that diet cola is worse than regular cola because of the dangerous ingredients like aspartame (which has been related to serious health problems including cancer, tumors, etc...) put into diet cola to make it taste like sugar without having sugar in it and having no calories.

    i mean think about how long splenda was on the market without any warnings, the fda lets things on the market before enough research is done, which makes it our own personal responsibility to question the things we eat and drink.

    they are both not good for you, but diet cola is worse for you in my opinion. you can always eat right and exercise the sugar and calories off from a regular soda, but you don't know the irreparable damage that diet cola will do to your body.

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