
Is cold air cleaner than warm air?

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I've just watched The Ice Storm, and the spaced-ou son justifies his going out in the freezing cold by saying "the molecules have stopped so the air is pure, there's nothing flying around in it"

Is this so?




  1. I think all air is wually polluted.

  2. yes, it's eaiser for bacteria to thrive in warm places

  3. No.

  4. No. It is more dense & heavy than warm air, though.

  5. depends. if its under 32 degrees, most organisms wont survive. generally i would say cold air is cleaner. at least it feels cleaner

  6. That is complete male-bovine-fecal-matter. A) the molecules won't have stopped unless you hit absolute zero, which would certainly kill you and is only theoretically possible anyway. B) If you're inhaling, I don't care how motionless the molecules are, you'll get whatever's mixed in with them into your lungs.

  7. Perhaps.  

    Cold air is denser because the temperature is lower.  This means, of course, that the molecules are packed closer together, leaving less room for molecules of other substances like water.  Cold air cannot be as humid as warm air can be for that reason.  Whether or not fewer pollutant molecules remain in the air for that reason, I don't know, but it seems possible.  It also seems possible that those pollutants would be squeezed out of the air, just like water when it condenses, and be deposited on solids and in liquids.

  8. During day time the air becomes warm due to sunlight.Some of the major urban air pollutants include poisonous carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide which react with hydro  carbons and sunlight to produce high concentrations of ozone near the earth's surface(ground-level ozone).This ground-level ozone is an air pollutant and it is the key component to smog.Thus during day time ,the heated air(warm air) contains more pollutants.So,it is possible that cold air is cleaner than warm air.

  9. yeah. it's so cold nothing can live(almost)

  10. things cant live in cold air,,, thats why hospitals are so cold. they can multiply in warm/hot air.

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