
Is colic an indicator of what kind of disposition a baby will have as a child or grownup?

by Guest59673  |  earlier

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Does it mean they will be more sensitive, cranky or picky?




  1. My niece was colicky and now she's a bratty 8 year old. Although being 8 has nothing to do with it. I've known her for all but 1 of her years and she's always been a brat. My daugher (who is 11) says she's "high maintenance".

  2. Colic is just to describe abdominal pain/immaturity (it's from the Greek word for Colon)

    If you are putting up with a colicky baby right now, then my heart goes out to you as I was there only a few weeks ago. You will start to enjoy your baby very soon. In the meantime, find the problem with baby's gut. If you are breastfeeding, start eliminating foods starting with diary and nuts. If you are formula feeding, switch to a Hypoallergic formula. That normally does it for many many kids (it may not remove it completely but it may reduce it significantly)

    Your question is like saying, does someone with bad teeth become a nasty person. Absolutely Not.

  3. My brother had colic, and he ended up being very good-tempered as a kid.  I don't think it means anything.  My mom thought that he might have been lactose intolerant, and that was why he was crying all the time.  Maybe you could ask your doctor about it.  

  4. no it does not. i had colic as a baby and my mother said it didn't affect me at all. you grow out of it.

    <3 best of luck.

  5. Colic is not an indicator for what kind of disposition a baby will have.

    Genes and your particular style of parenting are what will mold your child's disposition.

  6. It depends a lot on what causes the colic.  If a baby is fussy because they are allergic to something in their diet or are lactose intolerant, that has nothing to do with their personality.  This is also generally accepted as the most common cause of colic.

    However, some babies really are more high needs than others, and that basic personality doesn't change.  I have a daughter who never cried at all, and is still a happy, well adjusted child.  My son cried constantly as a baby, and we have also struggled with developmental delays and social problems with him.  Also, screaming or shrieking (vs a normal cry) can indicate neuological problems like autism or other brain or developmental issues.

  7. dont be ridiculous  

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