
Is college all about memorizing and not learning?

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i mean i an average at best college student and it is easy for me to understand what the teacher is saying but when it comes test time the words get all technical with the vocab and i seem to not do so good, i am not very good at memorizing things maybe i need to find some pills to take because I have tried every memorization technique and none of them seem to work, i have come to realize at the end of the day COLLEGE IS ALL ABOUT HOW ONE MEMORIZE THINGS AND NOT WHAT HE LEARNS




  1. College life is nothing to do with memorizing.This is the point of your life to which you must understand your goals and defend them with all the resource at your command.I think we all both know what I'm talking here.Let me give you an advice"you know reading  book is good but let this not blind you,in my own way  i read books just for fun-sad to say i didn't believed some books that I've read;it would be boring if i did.If i believed all what i have read it made me feel like a dog and if i don't read i maybe become a pig.i just do consider them.You are in the right track-its something to do with understanding and consideration.

  2. the way i view it is high school is all about getting good grades and not learning. you use those grades to get into a great college. in college, it's all about learning and not so much about grades.

    purpose of high school is to get into a good college. purpose of college is to prepare u for life. u  

  3. A college professor once told me that all college was about is finding knowledge and being able to retrieve it when needed. So yes it is about memorizing. You have to be able to remember where to go to retrieve the knowledge you seek.

  4. If your not learning then theres no point in going. They are there to teach you how to do your job right in the field you choose. My first day of class last year, I was so nervous but once the instructor started talking about business it just hit me. I was actually learning things, it was like we were having a conversation about something and later he quized me on what he was talking about, and I actually did well. Just pay attention and if you don't get something ask the instructor to go over it with you. Trust me they get paid bank so they will help you. Good luck and don't stress, you don't have to memorize anything, just listen and take notes.

  5. There's a difference between memorizing and actually knowing what you are being taught. Understanding it doesn't mean you know it. Memorizing does help sometimes but when you begin to work towards your major, you'll need to actually know what you're doing. I'd rather have a doctor who knew what he was doing then remembered what another doctor did or what he heard from someone, college is the same way.

  6. no pa... its not like that .In college there is no need of memorizing things....u have to take book at times when u r more interested and read things.... if u keep on reading u get the knowledge of the subject....its not necessary to learn often....if u get up morning and read something it will stand in ur mind..u need not memorize..... during exam times u have to keep track of the technical the exam u have to present the concept along with the technical terms....surely it will be fruit full to you...


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