
Is college in the United States considered pre-university?

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Is college in the United States considered pre-university?




  1. No.

  2. No.  In the US, you can go to either a 4-year college or university and get the same degree.  A community college may be considered pre-4-year college or pre-university, but they also grant 2-year degrees and you can stop there.

  3. i duno, too lazy

  4. No. In the United States, "college" is the name for an institution that awards a bachelor's degree and is for undergraduates. A "University" also offers a bachelor's degree for undergraduates. The difference is that at a university, one can get a graduate degree (masters or PhD).

  5. No. You go from High School into a college or university. They are basically the same thing. You don't have to take any A levels. You can study anything you like.

    My daughter is going to major in math and minor in dance. She is also interested in taking some Italian language classes. As long as she can fit it into her college schedule she can take any class she wants regardless of what she studied in high school.

    We do have community college. These are two year colleges. Most students there take their core college classes and then can transfer into a 4 year college.

    Graduating form a college or university after 4 years you have earned you Bachelors degree. You can then go on to grad school to earn your Masters, then Doctorate degree. You don't have to get a BS in the same subject as your Masters.

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