
Is college really as awesome as they say it is? Better than highschool? should i be enjoying highschool now?

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Is college really as awesome as they say it is? Better than highschool? should i be enjoying highschool now?




  1. Enjoy High School. College is Great, but it's great in a different kind of way.  I am one of those people who is constantly trying to get to the next thing... (I did high school in 3 1/2 years, I am doing college in 3 years, and now I am ready to get to the next thing, although I constantly wish I had slowed down enough to enjoy High School and The first 2 years of college more...

  2. Its nothing like they show in the movies. Its basically high school but with out all the drama and stupid popularity contests.

  3. Basically, my opinion about higher education is what you put into it is what you'll get.  I enjoyed both high school and college.  However, I did much better in college because the energy that I put into it, plus having more freedom made it easier for me.  

  4. the school aspect definately is in my opinion.

    you get to pick your classes, what you want to study, what times to take classes. most classes are typically 3 days a week max, and no homework really. i mean you have papers to write and tests, but there isn't that tedious homework that you turn in everyday... this all depends on your major i guess.

    the social aspect depends. it depends on how big a school you go to and what you decide to do. i went to a biiiiigg school that had a huge emphasis on greek life (sororities and frats) but i wasn't in one so things on the social end lacked for me. but i had friends that went to smaller schools in the state that didn't have greek programs so everyone was much more open to being friends with whoever.. and it wasnt like a big split in the school between greeks and nongreeks and all my friends loved it there as far as social life

  5. college isn't awesome than university. you must enjoy highschool if u want to go to good university such as Berkely or Stanford or Harvard,......  

  6. I feel that everybody chooses how much they enjoy things to a great extent.  Don't feel like you have to rush to college or act like a college student to have a good time.  Enjoy spending time with your friends now, and enjoy spending time with whatever new friends you make in college.

    That said, college will probably bring you a wider range of people and experiences than high school, so you'll have more opportunities to find things and people you really enjoy.  In my case, I found that the main thing I had in common with most people from high school was that we lived in the same town and knew the same people.  Once I got to college, I lost touch with most of these friends, but I made sure to hang onto the people I actually cared about.

    College will also give you a chance to "re-invent" yourself.  By the end of your senior year in high-school, you'll have known some of these kids for over 2/3 of your life!  I've noticed that people tend to act the way other people expect them to.  If everybody considers you a nerd, you will not easily break out of that role with those people.  But when you get to college, you make tons of first impressions and can be whoever you want to be.

    So neither college or high school is necessarily better than the other, but college will give you a second chance and more possibilities.

  7. It is when you have a purpose.

    If you hate school, learn a trade.  You'll be making money when your peers are incurring debt.

    Save some money and when you are ready for college it will still be there and you might actually enjoy it.

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