
Is colored toilet paper bad for your butt?

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i have a 'man killing house' and when i found toilet paper that has purple butterflies i jumped at the chance because it matched my decor. my guy friends say that its bad for your butt and that i should buy sandpaper instead to counter-act the man killing atmosphere.

please help.

BTW... my house is way opposite of 'man killing'... i have a hdtv, ps3, and we play poker here almost every single weekend... seriously?!?!?




  1. why does it matter? use it and go on. if the stuff is that bad for ya then  we are all gonna die. oh, wait, we are all gonna die some day anyways. life is to short to worry about c**p(no pun intended) like that. LOL

  2. No. Unless you want your brown eye to turn into a purple eye! Then that's not bad, just weird.

  3. The dyes can irritate your bottom yes./

  4. I've never heard that its bad for your butt. ask the guys why they say that, and then tell them that's why you bought it and that you only bring it out when they come visit!

  5. i hope it's not that bad !!!!!!

  6. Holy S! I remember by mom warning me about dyed toilet paper back when I was kid. You totally gave me flashback. It seems like wives tale to me now, but I can't wait to read what others have to say on the subject. By the way, this might make a good Mythbusters episode!

  7. It can be irritating. So can scented toilet paper. If it doesn't irritate you then you can use it. I don't like it though




  9. i don't know but i would think. it got to be chemicals that make it that way and chemicals are never good

  10. It's more dangerous to your 'cookie' than your has artificial coloring and toxins that normal tissue doesn't have, and they can cause infections and irritations.

  11. please no colored papers on the bum. Can be bad for your

    bumm. The dies they use are not organic and might be absorbed into the body thru your membranes of the bum. Other chemical dies and

    processing chemicals to soften the paper can be absorbed thru the skin and stay there until they grow cancerous and cause all sorts of

    problems and the causes of colon cancers have no fully been

    revealed as yet. these may be the soul cause.

    cheers better safe than sorry. stay with the white or

    unbleached papers.

  12. Are you serious? I think the bureau that handles consumer safety and goods integrity would have warned people about it.  Seems to me he was just trying to be funny.

  13. No I dont think its bad they probly feel stupid wiping their *** with purple butterfly toilet paper.

  14. This is the dumbest question ever...

    But because i want the top question i will answer...

    I live what one man said about the cause of colon cancer have not been reveled yet... he has a point.

    Your "man-killing" house may be the leading cause of colon cancer.

    I don't believe you have a PS3. Don't buy it for a second.

    Anyway, get normal toilet paper. You wipe your butt with it, who cares.

    Unless you are going to eat purple food to have purple f***s then it wont match in the end anyway.  I think this answer deserves best score!

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