
Is competing in fighting easier for chicks?

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Like at BJJ tournaments there's 150 guys in my weight category. And like 15 in my GF's. What do you think? Don't get me wrong though, I still have respect for fighting gals.




  1. Many women choose not to compete in martial arts irregardless of the style or type.  I think testosterone and the emphasis on sports and competing for men and the lack of that for women in our culture has a lot to do with this.  I think in some ways it does make it easier as there tends to be much less competition and much less quality for them to really develop their skills against.  I currently have a female student that is competing a lot and she is dominating her division in everything.  For this reason I am putting her into national competition so that the amount and quality of the competition that she will be facing will be more and better in general than what she sees in local and regional type tournaments.

  2. Yes, if ur body's oily and naked.

  3. I don't know, man... If you both had the same number of matches, I'd say it's harder for her. On the one hand, you have the social conditioning that says "girls don't fight." On the other hand, girls are fierce! I love training with girls simply because they give it more than the guys. Like, they think they can't hurt us or something, so they put more into it. I've walked away from training sessions with girls with more bruises, cuts, scrapes, etc than I've ever received from guys.

    I don't know if it's entirely relevant: I don't believe in competing, so I don't really keep track of competition rules and systems. I only know BJJ simply from the stand point that the same techniques (with slight variations) exist in taijutsu (Which, amusingly, most people in the Bujinkan don't seem to realize). We just approach the ground fighting from the standpoint that you don't stay on the ground. I'm not saying what you do is any less valid, either, it's just a different focus. I am saying, however, don't underestimate the women fighters.

  4. well if your the best then you'll have no problem beating them all.

    shes limited because she wont get half the experience you will get

  5. gals?  chicks?

    That sure sounds like respect to me.

  6. not many girls r in2 fighting its actually kinda rare

  7. What is BJJ?

  8. Full grown rooster fights are bad enough, now you want little baby chicks to fight?  

    Man, you are just sick.

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