
Is complete monogamy possible?

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I'm not talking about cheating in a relationship. I'm more refering to being with just one person for the rest of your life and never experiencing anyone else. I don't think it's possible or advisable to have just one sexual partner in a lifetime. Thoughts?




  1. Sure, I think so.  My best friend lost her virginity to the man she is married to right now.  Unless she's keeping secrets, as far as I know, he's the only man she's ever sexed up. Mind boggling, right?

  2. Its only possible if you believe its possible........

  3. why not? many have in the past and are doing so now...ask them....with the threat of more and more sexually transmitted diseases....why is it so attractive to have had multiple partners...............

  4. Yes. It takes the realization that s*x is only a small part of a relationship. Why isn't it advisable? Is it so important to have as many partners as possible? I never thought so, but I did because i'm a hound. It's just the s*x felt good but I was glad they or I left the following morning. I never cheated though, but both of my wives did.  And now I am twice divorced but still have regular s*x. Go figure.

  5. Millions of people over the course of time have accomplished that very thing....but I would hesitate to say it is widely-practiced today!

  6. Yes, I believe it is possible.

    Anything less and we are cheating our wife or husband out of our pure devotion.  

    It would be human nature to compare and thus impossible to live up to something that is only a fleating passion.

    I have found in my marriage, going on our 18th year...we are becoming more and more passionate with one another each day.

    Having s*x is one thing,  making love is a 24 hour 7 day a week thrill that goes beyond any sexual fantasy.

    Don't let a temporary high ruin a truly fulfilling experience of bonding with that one and only for the rest of your life.

  7. It's possible and advisable.  

    Ask a Swan who mates for life....

  8. most humans practice serial monogomy, that is, one partner at a time. It isn't unheard of for true monogamy to occur... in places like India it is the norm.

  9. It's certainly possible, but in this culture, pretty rare.

    The reason is that we live in a highly sexualized culture, which is fine, but the difference between now, and the past, is that people are led to believe they are really missing out on something if they don't have lots of s*x partners.

    In the past (pre-40-ish years ago) there was more emphasis on just having one partner for life.

    Now, most people in fact did NOT do that, even then, so I'm not saying everyone in the "good old days" only had one s*x partner, but they were more likely to be faithful in marriage, that's for sure.

    As to if it's a good idea or not, that's a tough call.

    If you end up with someone who's great at s*x, then it's terrific.

    If you end up with a bad lover, then it's not!

    But s*x with someone you love, is 1,000 times better than s*x with someone you don't, and I've had lots of both, so I know.

  10. Been with my husband 10 years now, and I've never been with anyone else. Doesn't mean I don't fantasize now and again, but he's been the only one. I believe in monogamy, always have, always will. Maybe one day I will be disappointed, but we have a pretty good record so far.

  11. It is possible and its called self-control.

  12. It is possible for some people, sure.  

    For me don't think so.  I'm glad I experienced other partners prior to my current relationship, because it makes me appreciate the man he is much more, and also allowed me to be a much more experienced lover.  

    From this point on though, I will be extremely happy to be with one man for the rest of my life.

  13. I don't think you can say it isn't "possible." Many people do this (mostly those of a very religious or traditional inclination). So of course it's possible...

    But I wouldn't say it's really advisable. Personally, I find that my experience with various people makes me better able to understand and appreciate good versus bad qualities. And I find that s*x is an integral part of an emotional, romantic relationship. Having only one sexual relationship ever just wouldn't give you a good understanding or appreciation of your sexuality or your partner. You need some perspective for that. (In my humble opinion!)

    I mean, I think eventually I'll find one person to be with from then on. But I don't think I'd be able to properly make a decision that important without the knowledge I've gained from previous experience.

  14. It is very possible.  Not even a bad thing.

  15. It happens all the time. Some people take their wedding vows seriously.

  16. I'd like to think that it happens all the time. But i also think that it's healthy to know that your not settling by experiencing other people. I think that's key to appreciating the "True Love"

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