
Is completely inconsiderate...?

by  |  earlier

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or does he really think I am over it?

He broke up with me on Friday, asking for a "trial separation"

But, I took the leap and basically defined it as "breaking up" and he knows I feel this way about said "separation"

He was really harsh with me in the end...and pretty hurtful in the way he was so casual about the whole thing.

Now, today...he's messaging me and being somewhat flirtatious. But, he hasn't said anything about wanting me back or anything..just flirting. He did say something about feeling bad. And he knows already that I will never, ever do casual s*x.

So, what's his deal? He knows he hurt me, and yet he proceeds like nothing happened?




  1. He's deal is that he is playing with your feelings, to see if he has you on puppet strings.

  2. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. He's messing with your head. If you're up for this game, keep playing along. If you want a real, solid relationship look elsewhere. This guys doesn't know what he wants.

  3. He could have wanted space, didn't

    know how to ask.  He sounds like

    he wants to be in your life, but wants


    He thought it, you, would be


    It's a bad idea to throw away

    what you have for something

    you're not sure about.

  4. okay the man just want to go out their and have s*x with some body else and not feel any way over it so i he know that he could tell you this bullshit and you fall for it them he has made his point and yes he do knows that you are a good women so that is why they do this .girl take time to know you and love your self  and true love will come when your not looking . good luck , but most of all trust yourself because it's your life out there .

  5. he just wants you when he wants you and when he doesn't, he wants you to go away so he can ***** others.  more less this is a booty call.  at least that's what it's leading up to .  he's playing you.  move on and move up.

  6. If you're not married to him don't take him back.  Ignore him.

  7. Insecure head gamer... He is God and you are in his little ant farm.  Run away!

  8. Whether he's playing or thinks he didn't really hurt you're feelings, you need to completely stop seeing him.

    He doesn't seem to know his own mind and that is BAD!!!!

  9. Well he probably got tired of waiting and he thought that u to were going nowhere and now that u to are not together no more he is starting to realize what he is missing out on and he probably might think that u wont want him back thats why he has not asked u out again so just stay cool and show him that u are not worried about him and move on.

  10. Maybe just testing how much you both love each other.I think it is harmless and would strenghthen your bonds.It gives time to both of you to think and not rush too much ahead which may cause regrets later on.Its just okay.

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