
Is compressed wood furniture durable? how does it compare to rubber wood in style,cost and durability?

by Guest21444  |  earlier

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Is compressed wood furniture durable? how does it compare to rubber wood in style,cost and durability?




  1. I have never seen rubber wood, but the press board furniture is OK if you don't put too much weight on it and if it never gets wet.  I had press board for an entertainment center.  It worked fine until it came time to move it.  The wood where the screws go in don't hold up to moving well.  It was in storage & the roof leaked & one of the pices got soaked.  Only worth throwing away after that.  It kind of crumbles after it gets wet.

  2. There will be no comparison in the two, one is cheap and one is expensive. The rubber wood  or parawood  is a hardwood and will hold up.  The rubber wood has about the same properties as Maple wood. The lumber is called parawood, white teak or Malaysian oak

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