
Is computer addiction a big problem?

by Guest57195  |  earlier

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like comp game addiction

even YA addiction for that matter




  1. yes it is a problem. many people are addicted to going on msn messenger etc and the more common one world of war craft. it can take up all your spare time and sometimes ruin your days off.

  2. no alot of people are obessed with the internet its the best thing to do to just kill time and you really engoy yourself especially with amazing websites like youtube.

  3. I think it makes you feel bad at the end of the day, or night if you are like me and stay up all night sleep all day. What else is there to do though? Look at Screenager by Muse possible meaning

    The name Screenager (probably referring to how the kids all today talk through computers, text messages, TVs etc). It's related to the rest of the album about how these new technologies are meant to bring us closer together, but they actually make us drift apart.

    The fact it used to be called Razor Blades and the lyrics make me think this is about how teenagers feel they have to harm themelves to feel alive.. and they want to connect with their family again but they can't because of the teenage disagreements.

    They used to be beautiful but they aren't because they've been scarring themselves mentally and physically with what goes on. It's kind of about the innocence you lose in this age.

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