
Is contraception good for the planet?

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Millions of used condoms are polluting the earth and millions of women are filling their bodies every month with artificial hormones and making pharmaceutical corporations wealthy.




  1. it is not good,what good the natural means,we need more education in many aspects....................

  2. Population control may not be a concern, but AIDS is.

  3. Yes.  As total waste volume, condoms are not as significant as plastic water bottles (think of how many of these are used in a day) and unwanted junk mail (little benefit to many people who just discard it).  Contraception prevents pregnancies, preventing additional increases in the world population.  Even the poorest people consume resources, but additional births in developed nations cause a much greater increase in the amount of resources consumed.  Think diapers, clothes, toys, larger cars to get the bigger family around.

    I don't see how making pharmaceutical corporations wealthy is damaging to the environment.  Wealthy corporations are better for the environment than cash-strapped ones.  A cash-strapped corporation is more likely to cut corners to save money.  The first things that go are usually environmental.

  4. Good point. There are many natural methods at our disposable if the need arises for a pregnancy to be postponed.

    Contraception is harmful in other ways, too. It can cause early chemical abortions.

    With fertility rates in free fall around the globe, the overpopulation scare is just a big myth.

  5. I believe its not environmentally no. but non use would cause large spread of disease aids etc. so it is positive.

  6. Women also do breast implants and plastic surgeries, not even talking about every day makeup. Are women even real? I mean are they natural? We should place them all in spaceship and send to Venus :))). (just kidding)

  7. Do you know what we call people who rely on "natural" methods of birth control?  We call them parents. Like it or not, condoms and "The Pill" are the most effective methods of birth control we have.  Millions of used condoms are nothing compared to the environmental impact of millions of unwanted babies.

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