
Is country better then city?

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Is country better then city?




  1. yeah WAAAAAAAAAAYYYY  better

    country = peaceful... nice neighbors

    city =crazy loud annoying neighbors

    unless you like crazy loud annoying neighbors

  2. In moderation it's good, particularly during the summer. But the city offers good entertainment and cultural choices, a variety of restaurants, and a wider choice of friends & acquaintances.

  3. i moved from the city to the country about 3 years ago i love it

    thers no gang violence the people are nicer it is quiet

    the school is not as crowded my daughters school only has 120 kids oh and the scenery is beautiful

  4. Hey, grim, WTF???  The city is the place to live now because it has the option of MASS TRANSIT, as far as gas consumption goes.  In the country (where I live) I HAVE to drive my own vehicle.  EVERYWHERE.  So I don't drive much anymore, except to work and home.  I can't afford it.  I used to just get in the car and GO on my days off.  Not anymore.  The nice thing about being in the country is I CAN stay home and still be amused.  If you like the sort of things that crack me up and give me solace like squirrels doing their aerial acrobatics from tree to tree, aerial combat of the hummingbirds at the feeders (much like the  territorial antics of friends), the pine trees dancing in the breeze, the sound of all the critters like frogs, crickets, birds and grasshoppers, even ones I've never seen (much like the chatter of friends), the occasional scorpion exorcism from the house, small bonfires in the back yard fire pit, then one can be completely happy.  If I need to talk to somebody, hey - I got you guys!  And thank you for saving me gas money!!!!!!!!!

  5. The country will be the place to be in the future if we continue to have this fuel crisis. In the city all you do is drive. in the country, you will not need to spend as much on fuel and such. Just grow your own food and raise your own livestock. I can't wait to live in the country.

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