
Is cows milk actually bad for you?

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I have heard from a few sources that cows milk could actually be bad for some people and that it was never meant for people to drink.




  1. So who decides what is meant for what anyhow?  It is food, people consume it.  If you don't want to then fine, but it won't kill you or whatever.

    P.S.  Don't listen to the bullcrap about the antibiotics and hormones.  If you are worried about hormones buy your milk from Kroger's or Smith's (or look up others) who do not sell milk from rBST herds.  Or go organic (not necessarily animal welfare friendly though).

  2. With the way it is pasturised, and homogonised it is perfectly safe to drink if handled and stored correctly.

    Yes it is be bad for people who are lactose intolerant.

    Yes it is good for people who are calcium deficient.

    I was never meant for human consumption, it was for calves to drink.

    It was fortuitous that one of our early ancesters dicovered it was safe for human consumption.  

  3. Yeah, that's why it's on the FDA food pyramid.

  4. After 2 years of age...humans no longer have a need for milk...especially the so-called Hormone Riddled,Pasteurized,Homogenized Milk we have available  now...with a well balanced diet...heavy in Green Leafy Vegetables you will get all the calcium your body needs.

  5. Well, technically milk in general is not supposed to be consumed by adults which is why generally if people become lactose intolerant, it is when they get older. In short, milk is produced in a mothers body to feed the baby. That goes for cows and humans and all other milk producing species. No other animal drinks milk after they stop feeding from their mother as infants.

  6. Well this group of people think that milk is very bad for you:

    The website is compelling and a very good read if you have a spare hour.

    This is the heading on the website:

    MILK is a deadly poison. Each sip contains growth hormones, fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, blood, pus, antibiotic, bacteria and virus.

    Certainly turns my stomach.

    If you must drink milk, only buy certified organic or biodynamic milk. That way the milk and the cows it came from should be free from man-made drug residue.

    Alternatives include: organic goats milk, soy milk, rice milk, nut milk (almond is the most popular), oat milk and coconut milk.


  7. Cow's milk is for baby cows, not humans.  PLEASE check out this site and STOP drinking milk and eating other dairy products.

  8. okay heres the dealio

    pople put hormones into a cow so they can produce more milk blah blah blah

    so thos hormones come out in our milk which we drink

    so in a way..

    yeah its sorda bad

    but overall go ahead drink it. its not going to kill you or shorten your life

    theres also something about drinking soy milk .. im not too sure tho

    try looking it up on the internet

  9. if its homogenized, its OK

  10. I dont know but I cant think of anything more disgusting then cows milk

  11. Cows milk is excellent for you.

    Cows milk is horrible if you're lactose intollerant.

  12. well the deal is that sometimes cows are given this hormone producer that makes them produce more milk...that can be bad for some people depending on weather or not they have severe allergies..also if  a cows milk is unpasturizd it can be bad for some people that have a weak immune system ...or cant handle unpurified things. all in all i mean it cant be bad for you because back in the time of jesus they drank milk unpurified and goats milk unpurified and they were all very honestly it really depends on the pickiness of the person whos drinking the milk! =D

  13. Cows milk is not bad for most of us.

  14. Well humans were meant to drink breast milk, but other milk is just fine, its not bad for you at all, and has many nutrients thats are good for you,  although whole milk is very fatty and from that aspect not be good for you.

  15. yeah it bad for cows too. first, wen ure mom is pregnant and has u and breast feeds u(or is supposed to) does a like a cat come, milk her and drink it? no! cows are the same theyr fed like bilions of hormones until they cant move cuz theyr made so fat and theyr hoofs and horns are sawed off(no anesthesia) and theyr babies r taken away so soon so they cant "hog up" the moms milk so techically ure stealing from a helpless baby:*( and if the baby is a boy bye bye dyes immediatly since its no use to dairy farms. then milk causes cancer, ossteperosis etc. its unhealthy wich is why so many ppl r lactostintolerant(or watv its called)

  16. it isnt meant for ppl to drink, it is for baby cows. humans were meant to drink milk from a womans breast.

    it is good for you, and so is ricemilk

  17. We are not offspring of cattle.  We do not require cows milk.  We do, however need protein from the meat.

  18. If you're not allergic or have any kind of allergies to that. You're fine. And drink organic for the best.

  19. Cow's milk is meant for calves not humans. Many people are not capable to assimilate cow's milk a condition known as lactose intolerant. There are other reasons to be concerned about milk including the pharmaceuticals which are injected into cows in order to boost production, including antibiotics and other chemical agents. There is also the issue of the cruelty inflicted on cows in the factory farms where they are imprisoned for their entire lives in congested and appalling conditions. The negative energy transmitted from these suffering creatures makes its way into the milk and has effects on human health.

    Please view this video

  20. Cow's milk is made for baby cows.

    Calves put on hundreds of pounds in their first couple years of life.

    It's high in fat and proteins, and thanks for factory farming practices, can have antibiotics and hormones in it.

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