
Is craigslist a good place to buy things read dtails?

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im looking to buy a car im 19 is craigslist a good place to get used cars??




  1. There is no "good" place to buy cars. If there is a medium for selling there is a medium for scams plain and simple.

    Car-fax can help with sorting out the major details of a cars history but there is no real guarantee it is accurate. You will still have to meet people and test drive the vehicle.

    For a first car I suggest you find a good mechanic, one you can trust. Ask your parents and parents friends and if one sticks out that a few of them mention then you are on the right track. Remember these people are older and more experienced also they tend to pay a mechanic rather than do it themselves so they will have more experience dealing with mechanics.

    Once you have a good mechanic lined up check out some cars and if you like one a lot ask to have it inspected before you buy. $50-$100 now can save you thousands.

    As far as craigslist, for a buyer it is as good as any source to find vehicles in your area. As far as selling, I have tried them and now I feel I need a 3-4 paragraph description just to explain to potential buyers that "For Sale" means just that and not "For Trade, For amusement, For Making Ridiculous Offers"

  2. as good as the paper... really its the things you check out on the car before buying.... if you cant look at it or check it out and drive it then dont buy it...... you need to walk around it look for dents and discolor... you need to check the tires for uneven wear.. the til pipe for black or wet... you need to look under it for oil stops or wet spots on the bottom of.. you need to check every button or switch.. you need to drive it 30 minutes checking how it starts how it takes off how it stops then you need to recheck under it and....... so if its not in your town and you cant see it or touch it then no its not a good thing....many scams buying cars in other states you need to be able to see and touch before money

  3. Look more than one place.  If your looking for a good deal, take your time, a car gets listed for sale more than just a few times a minute online... - The FREE Auction and Classified Community.

  4. Like any resource, you just need to shop smart. One thing I've noticed, though, is that the ability to post things for free on Craigslist allows unscrupulous sellers to put anything and everything on there, and there are no buyer/seller protections like you would get by shopping on eBay, for instance. This doesn't mean that all sellers on Craigslist are bad, by any means.

    Consider also that eBay or newspaper classifieds mean that the seller is willing to invest in making the sale. This, to me, is a small indicator that   the item may be of somewhat greater value.

    Again, shop smart.

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