
Is creating a Joker nurse costume illegal?

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Is creating a Joker-Nurse costume against Warner Bros. copy-write? Can I be sued if I create a replica of Joker's nurse outfit and use it for my Halloween costume? I don't believe I can unless I'm selling the costume or using it for some sort of profit but I'd like to double check with others.




  1. it's not illegal if u use it for what u say ur gonna do. plus its Halloween no one's really gonna care

  2. A style of dress can not be copyrighted under US law. The only copyright protection available to these clothing is for "features that can be identified separately from, and are capable of existing independently of, the utilitarian aspects of the article - so you have nothing to worry about.

    I've been working on a few costume parts myself if you would like to take a look.

    Good luck with your costume!

  3. i say go for it

  4. No way can you be sued. The only remote possibility of someone being sued for this type of situation would be if you were making money off of it. And even then it wouldn't happen. Have fun with your costume!

  5. no people make homemade costumes all the time.  

  6. Just wearing it won't get you in trouble.

  7. if its for halloween and worn only on halloween night, it should be fine, but if ur wearing it out on teh streets not on halloween night then yeah ull most likley get stoped by the police!

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