
Is crime in manchester overrated?

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people call is "gunchester" and say things like "stay away from moss side"

but is it really that dangerous? or do you think people are exaggerating?




  1. don't go to moss side, theyre not joking when they say that!

    unfortunately, i really dont think crime in manchester is overrated at all.

  2. The danger in all the cities is overrated. Ive not been to Manchester often, but I've never had any trouble when I was there, and I'm from Nottingham, which is often reffered to as 'Shottingham' and I've never experienced any sort of violent crime.

  3. How can shootings be exaggerated? I am from Manchester and have never seen anyone carrying a gun BUT I just keep away from the bad areas

  4. They are probably exaggerating... but not by much.

    Manchester is the only city in Britain where I've walked into a corner shop and all the assistants have been behind bullet proof glass. Admittedly, it was in quite a rough area of the city, but still! I've never seen that anywhere in Newcastle, where I live and it was quite a shock to the system.

    That said, you probably don't have to worry about actually being shot unless you decide to join a gang, or something stupid like that. Even so, there's an air of sheer menace in certain parts of Manchester that I've never seen anywhere else in Britain. Not in London, not in Liverpool, not in Birmingham, not in Glasgow, not in Newcastle, not in Cardiff... need I go on?

  5. Has it's dodgy areas like any big city but there's definately worse places in the UK.

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