
Is cultural relativism ignored in America?

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Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual human's beliefs and activities should be interpreted in terms of his or her own culture.

Now, do you believe that most Americans ignore this? I feel as if many people in this country see the US as the ideal concept of civilization, and other cultures (not of the West) as primitive, and not as "morally inclined". I know there is a whole other debate on that issue in terms of conquests and missionary expeditions, but i would like to stick to the people of this century.

Granted, certain incidents such as 9/11 have convinced many people who are not educated on the facts into believing that ALL Muslims are bad. (which is just not true)

Maybe i'm too much of an idealist, but I believe we should look at each culture as its own entity, and not judge other cultures so harshly that are not exactly like ours.

I have seen so many hateful q and a's recently on here about this issue, and i would like to get your thoughts.




  1. First lets seperate the concept fo Cultural Relativism - looking at a culture from the perspective of the participants in  that culture - from the concept of respecting someone's right to practice their culture even if it is different from yours.  They really are two seperate issues - and ones that in a perfect world would go hand in hand.  

    I think the concept of CR is more understood by Americans today than it was in the past - on an academic level - but many Americans still have trouble allowing someone to live by their own (different) cultural values.  To me, as long as we can live side by side and not infringe on each other, everyone should be able to follow their own beliefs.  IF those beliefs bring conflict - then we should all be able to reach a compromise - but wait, that is my belief and may not be shared by my neighbor - hmmm does that make them a bad person - NO, just different - and possibly annoying.

    Another concept that is much more prevalent in America today (and actually all cultures throughout history) is Ethnocentrism - basically the belief that my way is the best, and everyone that does not share my beliefs is not quite as good - poor folks that live in huts with no windows - even if those hust are much more adapted to the local environment than a typical American house...Hmmmmm.  

    Ethnocentric actions have traditionally been the cause of much global conflict - along with power hungry dictators.

    Hope you find this helpful

  2. you have a bad outlook on what americans think its the younger generation being fed by the news media about middle east the same as they are fed by their media about us because of our leaders trying to turn the whole world democratic instead of working thru the UN as we should be doing also if the american people were not so wasteful about  gas and require so much crude oil we would not need the crude oil from the middle east then there would be no war . the americian people are supplying the money for the terroriests by buying crude oil from Saudia Arabia as their oil billionnaires are known to be supplying the money for terrorism so wakeup america you supplying the money to kill your own troops

  3. I think it is ignored. Many(not all) Americans have the we are better than anyone mentality & that's not a good thing at all.  The constitution says all men are created equal. Many Americans sure seem to think otherwise.

  4. Yo Pinky

    There is a standard -- it is called "the law" and within THAT concept is the middle ground on ALL cultural differences !!

    There is a major "sticking point" with this idea that one has to respect people's cultural views and beliefs -- and that is -- there are those that would USE YOUR acceptance of their views and beliefs to gain undue leverage against YOUR views and beliefs !!  You offer the "concessions" and THEY take advantage of that AGAINST YOU !!

    If you live in a certain country -- it is YOUR responsibility to live within the letter of the laws of THAT country -- it is NOT the responsibility of that country to conduct business by YOUR views and standards !!  

    And, what of this thing you're saying here --- judge others "not so harshly that are not exactly like us" ---- h**l, we Americans judge everything harshly -- even our own government and each other !!  So, what, now we have to put on padded gloves when we deal with other peoples in the world --- a lot of whom wish we were dead ??

    It's great when people get along --- even greater when people of different views and ways get along --- but, all of this Oprah warm and fuzzy stuff in view of all the world and what is actually going on is simply unrealistic and fanciful to say the least !!  We are living in an extremely harsh world and not to deal with it on its own terms is to live in a padded box !!!

  5. Cultural relativism is a pernicious doctrine, especially since we have an understanding of human evolved nature.

    An individual human's beliefs and activities need to be interpreted in the light of an evolved human nature.

  6. It's not being ignored's being beaten to death.  We all want to value our individual cultures, but then we want to force it down other cultures' throats for them to accept it, as well.  For example - the muslim woman who didn't want her face showing on her driver's license picture.  Culture vs culture.  Where do you draw the line with regards to respect?  And whose line gets drawn?

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