
Is curing disease contrary to a drug company's motive for profit?

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If so, are drug companies offering the best solutions for the sick? Could the industry have "patented and shelved" a series of cures and instead released long-term therapy versions of the cure to the public?




  1. Hello

    Now a days all are making Medicine for Profit only.

    Be a healthy person, so you need not to take medicine

  2. Absolutely! Why pay for a one time cure, when you can have ongoing treatment that will end up costing more to the patient over time than an expensive drug cure would? Think about it... you can spend say, $1000 total to cure a disease (could be more or less, I don't know, this is just an example). Or you can spend hundreds per month to treat what ails you. It is all about the money. There are natural cures for many diseases available in other countries. The FDA and Pharm industry won't let them in here.

  3. Are you serious? A drug has to show actual success in the attempt towards the cure that it claims, for years! Drug companies are at fault for wanting Huge amounts of money for their product, but still have the common interest in healing. If you created a medicine that cured cancer, and all of its types, would you want to give it away? I am happy if you say yes, but expect anyone to say "Show me the money!"

  4. "drug companies" are not robots.  They are people.  These people (and their loved ones) get cancer and other illnesses just like everyone else.


    This "drug companies don't want to cure you" bulls#!t is ridiculous, and if anyone would think about it for half a minute, they would see how stupid the idea really is.

  5. I would think not. People will pay if they know that the drug will cure them. If a drug company had a drug that cured the disease in a patient, they would just increase the price on the one treatment to make it profitable and also receive the added benefit of being known as the company that cures diseases.

  6. Drug companies and doctors have never claimed to "cure" disease, they just treat the symptoms.

    No, prevention is the best solution. The majority of disease is life style caused lack of sleep, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, recreational drugs ....

    Doubt it, it is way more effective to simple ignore certain areas of research and not make the discoveries in the first place.

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