
Is cursive writing ever required in college?

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I am a homeschooling mom and I wonder whether or not I should make my son do it since he hates it.

Is there a time he will ever need it? I know I have never used it except to sign my name.

I will have him sign his name in cursive, but I really don't see any reason to use it anywhere else.

If there is, please let me know!




  1. I do not write in cursive, and I think the only time I was ever required to do so was 1st grade when I learned how to.  Almost everything today is done on the computer.

    However, it is not a bad skill to have.

  2. If an exam for a class requires an essay answer, your son will have to write it some how.  In my experience, cursive writing goes faster than printing and only if the cursive is completely unreadable should it not be used.  Most professors will appreciate it.  Besides that, if your son doesn't learn how to write cursive, how is he ever going to sign a check or a contract?  Bank drafts and legal documents can't be signed by printing a name.  

    I actually use a mixture of printing and cursive to make my own script when writing letters, etc.  However for formal writing, cursive writing is required almost everywhere and that is what I use.

  3. We are raising a generation who will be cleaning out grandpa's attic some day and have no idea "how to read that writting" on "those letters, documents, recipe cards," etc.  That's ok though... I'm going to start a business reading cursive for people like your son in 20 years...

    I found it very useful while taking notes in a college classroom.

    you're the homeschooling parent. your choice.

  4. I can't imagine when it would be. Professors want papers typed, and I've never heard of a professor asking to see anyone's notes.

    It might be useful for essay questions on exams, but I don't know when it's necessary.

  5. No, he's fine.

    In college he will be writing for exams, but college instructors care more about legible handwriting than cursive.

    Many, many kids learn cursive in school and once those handwriting lessons are over, they only use it when they need to sign something.

    All the best.

  6. Not in my experience and I'm still in school for my BA. Professors always want papers typed, usually in APA format.

    Honestly, there is not a time he will ever need it, not with technology becoming so wide spread. I've worked in educational libraries for the past 6 years and even memos are typed. I never see anyone's handwriting.

  7. The only time I can see it being useful is for exams. All course work will be expected to be typed not hand written. So, no big rush, if he wants to go to college then he'll have to make the effort nearer the time but I wouldn't bother otherwise.

  8. Heck no.

  9. no

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