
Is cyber bullying a condition that should exclude someone from adopting?

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Is cyber bullying a condition that shows a persons mental instability?




  1. i dont know about mental instability. but it shows a persons true colors and lack of self control.

    how could any decent person be so utterly devoid of feeling as to abuse another just because its not face to face.

    i think its more of a personality trait that gives them the satifaction of saying things to get a rise out of another.

    not good parent material. but who knows how this person behaves in the real world.

  2. I freaking wish

  3. Ah Yes it is

    I don't think that a parent who bulys someone on the internet should be adopting

    But is this a double edged question ?

    Because if you are  referring to the stuff that goes on in Yahoo Answers I dont think that would be considered Cyber Bullying UNLESS one person was stalking another person, Lying about them, harassing them in various ways then yes that would be considered cyber stalking/bullying..

    Why ? why do you ask

    ETA - L what do you mean ? deleting your questions ? you mean reporting you ? email me the details if you want ;)

  4. If someone feels the need to cyber bully then they have no life. They are looking for attention and they need to check themselves before having a child (adopted or otherwise).

    There would be no way to stop them from adopting  but I have met a few (very few) crazies out there in the "adoption world". They really have obvious problems that I hope all BM's see. I feel bad for any child that gets placed with them. Nothing I can do about it though.

  5. I would hope so. if someone is that mean, they shouldn't even have children.

  6. Pshyeah!!!

    And Torrejon, you took the words right out of my mouth.  I am ultra-paranoid about making mistakes (my parents were abusive, and I'm so afraid of harming a child the way my parents harmed me).  For YEARS, I have asked myself in tough situations, "what would I do if I weren't alone with this child?"  My mom was usually alone with me (or me and my sister) when she beat the h**l out of me, then lied about it to my dad and others.

    I will NEVER put myself in a situation where I'm doing something "unseen, unknown" to a child...or anyone else, for that matter.

  7. yes, of corse!

  8. Definitely.  No crazy person should be allowed to adopt and cyber-bullies are crazy...and mean...and crazy.

  9. I think many people hide behind the perceived anonymity of the Internet.  I think it IS important what people do when they think no one is looking.

  10. Hellz ya!

    Bullying is abuse. Abusive patterns rarely stop at one thing or one person.

  11. I think you can report it if you know who it is...

  12. yeah i think so...shows they will stop at nothing and can tell about how a person truly is ....they have no regard for someone elses feelings or thoughts..who wants a parent like that...that is one requirement a parent must have

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