
Is cycling a good way to keep in shape/lose weight??

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Im 16 and about average weight for my height, but i want to get a better figure, so will cycling help? How many miles will i need to do every day to achieve this and how long will it take to achieve a toned figure?




  1. Yes it is great for getting into shape and staying that way. I lost 40 lbs cycling and eating right. The thing I like best is that it doesn't feel like exercise because it is fun, so you are more likely to keep doing it. Start out doing just 5 miles and work your way up to around 50 miles. Some days do hills and other days go for the speed. Variety gives you better shape and strength.

  2. Yes it is good for you, but it is aslo dangerous with all the idiot drivers on the road. Please wear an helmet when going out, be careful.

    Go to the gym, or get some rollers what you ride your bike on is cheaper.

  3. Agree with all the above.

    I cycle on road and off road. I find off road more fun, less chance off getting run over, better scenery  and it also improves your upper body strength instead of just your legs. Although its best to go with a friend or group incase you fall off.

    Always wear a helmet and always enjoy it ! !

  4. Yeh it's great. Do crunches as well to help keep you skinny and improve your muslces. Cycling will give you great leg muscles too

  5. Cycling is a great method of cardio exercise so yes it will help.

    You will need to do it at a constant speed as this helps tone muscle more efficiently and preferably for at least half an hour.

  6. yes its a very good way of keeping fit and and toned if i were you i would start with short rides no more than about 1 - 1 1/2 miles to start and slowly build up this distance which will also improve your stamina i would estimate about about 3 months before you really see any significant results good luck and happy cycling

  7. probably,it would definitely shape your legs

  8. Well cycling will help but in different ways. Just plain peddling can help your legs grow. Peddling up hill will make better muscles for your whole body. Its a good idea to experiment with how much and where you ride your bike and see what happens after you ride. And for the miles a day i ride about 3 but it just helps to experiment with that too. Of cousre it also helps to try other forms of exersice too

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