
Is cycling good for the whole body or just legs?

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cycling is considered an aerobic sport, however the legs are used much more than than the upper body. will i start seeing my lower body slim down while my upper body stays the same?

is cycling a great way for a whole body exercise and weight loss?

im buying a bike this week




  1. Steady cycling is a good way to burn fat, so any weight loss will be uniform.

    You are right in saying it's mainly the legs (and CV system) thats gets the workout, so if you are after 'all over toning' then do swimming as well!

    And don't worry, unless you are massively overtraining your legs, you wont change proportion.

    Have fun eh?


  2. Cycling is especially good for your lower torso and abdomen.  

  3. Chances are your whole body will get leaner. If you look at professional cyclists they are generally extremely thin. Actually, so thin they are unhealthy. That's why a simple cold will put them out of commission for a week.

    Assuming you ride on a regular basis, for more than just a few minutes each time, you'll drop weight and get stronger legs, hips, and glutes. Other than that, your arms, shoulders, and chest won't do much. Your core (lower back and abs) do play a role in cycling but they need to be worked out separately.

  4. when you lose weight, your body pulls from its fat stores in generally the reverse order of how it stored it.  it doesnt matter what muscles you are working.  if you eat fewer calories than you use, it forces your body to make up the difference by drawing on its fat.

    when i began riding again last year, i had let myself balloon up to 270lbs.  cycling and eating right, i am now 215.  yes, you can take weight off cycling if you combine it with a good diet.

  5. it is mostly good for your body but when riding the bike you exercise you're whole body

  6. I am one of those guys that builds muscle while sitting in an easy chair. I Bike 15 miles a day as my only workout, and my arms and back continue to get stronger.

    It is my guess that biking is more of an entire body workout than most people would believe.  

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