
Is dangerous to choose to put you to sleep while two of your wisdom teeth are being extracted?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know before I sign a paper..




  1. there is very little risk involved with being put to sleep unless you have allergies to the medicines or a history of problems with the drugs.  I was put to sleep when  got my wisdom teeth out and everything was fine.  They make you sign a waiver because there are risks involved, and a very small possibility that it would be difficult or impossible to wake you up, but again, these risks are so small, your risk of getting in a car accident on the way to have your wisdom teeth removed is much higher.  

  2. well , i'm 17 , i got my wisdome teeth removed three weeks ago and i think that it actually is dangerouse , it really does hurt when they take them out , i remeber trying to bail on my 2nd extraction coz the first 1 hurt like h**l ... anyways back to the point it is kinda dangerouse coz the dr is gonna want you to move your tongue to the side while he stiches , not to mention the slight chance that u might choke on a tooth which is really bad espicially that wisdome teeth are placed way back in ur mouth like really close to ur tonsels

  3. it depends on your health and medical history.. if the doctor reccommends it, it is likely very safe.

  4. No it isn't. However, you need to tell them about medical problems, medicines you're taking (even supplements and over the counter stuff), all allergies or sensitivities and any problems you may have had in the past during surgery. I had several teeth pulled plus the wisdom teeth when I was younger and I actually asked to be put in hospital because I was very concerned and my health was questionable. It worked out very well. I hate being put under for surgery but as long as everyone knows your history and if you have had problems with "being under" in the works out ok. If you are afraid of becoming nauseous from the anesthesia, let themknow that too and they can use something different so you don't get as nauseous.

    Good luck!

  5. No, I wouldn't think so unless you have a medical history of being allergic to the anesthetic. But it is much better to be put to sleep for the procedure. It will guarantee that you will feel no pain at all and it feels like it is done within less than a minute. You won't be awake and stressed out or scared during the procedure.

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