
Is dark energy creating space?

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I have heard it said that dark energy is "creating space". Is this just a visualization tactic or is there some relativistic or quantum evidence for looking at the expansion of the universe this way?




  1. Do you think it is plausible that gravity may have a dual nature? One of attraction to other masses, and a weaker one of repulsion to force fields. Space is warped by a gravitational field, space contains electromagnetic force fields. This could explain why the massive gravity of galaxies force them apart but when two galaxies come too close together the stronger force of the dual nature of gravity permits them to pass through each other. It's just a thought, but to me it makes sense.

  2. The discovery in 1998 by the Hubble telescope that space is accelerating it's rate of expansion led to the postulation that dark energy is driving it.  According to the recently developed Big Rip theory, dark energy also increases as the universe expands, causing this acceleration to increase exponentially, leading to the universe's total demise in 20 billion years as the expansion force of space rips apart matter even on the subatomic level.

  3. I dont think dark matter nor energy exist

    we dont understand the universe and these are just ideas on things we have little knowledge on.

    in time, the will go the way of the geocentric and steady state models.

  4. dark matter is most of the universe

  5. Well, the current thinking is that the density of dark energy stays constant even while the universe itself expands. It's probably more correct to say that space is creating dark energy.

    Dark energy is equivalent to the cosmological constant introduced (and then rejected) by Einstein. While there are some ways to think of it using quantum mechanics, the actual numbers do not come out well and we actually have to figure out what so many terms cancel out without ALL of them doing so.

  6. Dark energy was originally proposed as a patch to big bang theory, which predicted that gravity should be slowing the expansion of space, which is driven by outward momentum. If the expansion is accelerating, something besides momentum must be driving it.

    My own Fractal Foam Model of Universes explains dark energy as follows:

    The expansion of space in our universe stretches the bubble walls (made of galaxies) in our cosmic foam. One by one, those walls of galaxies pop. As the galaxies move farther apart a gap eventually opens and all the galaxies in the wall accelerate, due to gravity, toward the adjacent walls. The energy and momentum of those galaxies is conserved by propagating pressure waves thru the surrounding cosmic foam. Those pressure waves of are the dark energy of the super-universe. The same scenario is occuring in the sub-universe whose cosmic foam is our ether foam, and that is the source of dark energy in our universe.

    When a cosmic-foam bubble wall pops, two bubbles become one; so the number of bubbles decreases. For space to expand, the number of ether-foam bubbles must increase. Therefore, time must be running in alternate directions from one universe to the next. When a sub-universe cosmic-foam bubble pops, an ether-foam bubble in our universe un-pops, and approximately 10^-105 meter^3 of new space is added to our universe. This occurs about 10^52 times per second per cubic meter of our universe.

    I measure space in median-size ether-foam bubbles; I take a wild guess that a median-size ether-foam bubble is about one Planck length across, so a meter is about 10^35 median-size bubble widths long, and that number remains constant while new bubbles are popping up in the middle of the meter stick, which is probably moving thru the ether with considerable speed. Thus, the expansion of each universe drives the expansion of the next universe.

    From a sub-universe point of view, the p-waves radiate away from a popped cosmic-foam bubble. From our point of view the p-waves converge upon an ether-foam bubble which is about to un-pop. A good question for philosophers is whether the popping or un-popping causes the p-waves or vice versa.

    At any rate, the p-waves possess considerable energy which is converted to new space. I believe the equivalence of dark energy and space may be expressed by the general formula E = mc^2 with m = volume of new space times inertial density of the ether times a constant (it might be better to substitute the speed of gravity for the speed of light). I haven't a clue how dense the ether is, but I suspect it might be extremely dense.

    I postulate that ether-foam p-waves in our universe propagate at the speed of the force of gravity (not the same as gravity waves), which has been estimate to be at least 20 billion times faster than light. Light consists of ethereal sheer waves. Fundamental particles consist of s-wave pairs or groups which orbit one another due to exchange of momentum between s-waves and p-waves. Each fundamental particle is an attractor which brings order to the chaotic mix of s-waves and p-waves.

    You ask about quantum evidence. I am just a lone cosmologist and a dreamer. I have no laboratory, no observatory, no atom smasher. What I offer is conjecture. Perhaps one day, a grad student will devise a way to look for evidence to support my model. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge, but I don't expect fame and fortune in this lifetime.

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