
Is dating a married person asking for trouble?

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Is dating a married person asking for trouble?




  1. More like begging for it.  It is like pulling the pin on a grenade and holding on to it in the hope that maybe it will not explode!!!.

  2. Yep! If i had a wife and she was dating some guy and I found out, I guarantee you sh** would hit the fan and I would hunt down that guy and then leave my wife.

    If you want to take the chance of getting your *** kicked and breaking up a family so you can be with a guy that cares for no one but himself, go for it. You'll be miserable.  

  3. of course not. it's a myth...also it's ok to sleep with as many people as possible without protection....really it's ok...

    *if you had to ask, then you deserve a retarded answer*

  4. sure it is my dear! I know heart always rules over the head but be strong and careful. This should be an absolute no no

  5. Yes. You should not be messing around with a married person.  You need to find someone that isn't attached already.

  6. No, it's a sin and violation of their marriage vows.  Your not asking for trouble... it flat out is trouble.

  7. duh

  8. If you are unmarried it is  absolutely  NOT a trouble at your part, though he is married. You are free to do anything and behave as your heart tells you to.

    It is neither a cheating NOR misbehave at your part,  that I think and also deeply believe.

    You have the full right to get or date any man you wish to have  AS a friend or anything else, even date with him.

    This seems to be much more romantic as it is a "forbidden fruit" to....... !!! But what is tthe wrong? May be it is just a dating but nothing! It happens. No trouble at all. FOR YOU>>>>

    BUT, but  again but.........

    Is your idea only to date and have a little romance and pleasant time  for a certain period of time OR you want to go ahead with it for serious purposes.

    THEN it is nodoubt a TROUBLE, A big trouble for NOT you, BUT FOR HIM.


    Cosider a few things before you go further...... as follows one by one

    1. Is he happy with his wife/ or separated/ or in a court?

    2. Have the couple got any child?

    3. Is he faithful to you and like or love you?

    4. Is he trying to get rid of the first marriage for any bad experience with his wife and marital life?

    5. Are you single

    6.  And  IF he is trying to get a divorce at present?


    But if you think he is cheating you and trying to spend a dual life....just leave him.

    You are ok and fine. You are not doing anything wrong but he is not worth of you and your life as a partner even for a single date!

  9. It just ruins a lot of lives...mostly his wife's and children's. There are a lot of eligible, single guys out there so why date a married one? It involves sneaking around and you'll never be comfortable.  

  10. Its not a great idea think about if you were married would you want your parnter to do that

  11. If they are going home to them at night and you have to sneak around, that's called cheating. I think it is different if they are going through a divorce and both are separated and have "moved on" and are just waiting for the papers to be signed.

  12. That's not asking for trouble, that's like walking in a burning house and hoping to get out safe. You will not only mess up a marriage but possibly even a family. He will like you for awhile but adventually go back to his wife, don't do it.  

  13. yes, because that makes you a w***e, and him a cheating b*****d.

    nice job w***e

  14. No not at all a married person is more experienced and knows how to make the date happy. Unless ofcourse the married person in question happens to be your spouse.

  15. Of course it is. They are off limits.  

  16. YES!!!

  17. Yes.  

  18. Yeah, it is.  If you were married would you like your spouse to date?  Or would that be a problem for you?  Seriously.

  19. That's not dating that's cheating

  20. Well...yes my dear it is!  

  21. no it is not in case you are not hiding it from your family and same for him at least talk whit some of his / her family member ...... Ok...

  22. safe till not known 2 othrs

  23. yes, but only if you don't because if your partner's other spouse finds out you will be practically dead meat!

  24. Use your first GUT feeling YES it is.

  25. YES!

    How would you feel if ur husband was "dating" another women.

    although...I wouldnt call it dating, more like cheating.

  26. Yes it is a trouble.... If anything happens in future society will blame the girl and not guy... So better look for someone single :)  

  27. No. And the Pope's not Catholic, either.  

  28. Yes.  It's asking for a heartache too.

  29. It is commiting adultery, which is a sin. Fornicating, s*x before marriage, sin. It will get you a ticket to h**l, eternally. Also, suppose you were married and someone was dating your spouse, how would you feel? would you like it?would it be fair to you? it would not be a very pleasant deal to be considered as a homewrecker.

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