
Is dating a non-blooded relative wrong?

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Okay I know it may sound so WEIRD - BUT I was wondering if it would be WRONG to date someone who is a distant relative from my late great-uncle's side? My great uncle was not blood related he's was just married to my great-blood aunt (my grandfather's sister). The relative I'm talking about (to go dating with) is MY great-uncle's great-great it wrong to be close with him/as gf & bf?




  1. lol...well I'm confused...but my cousin actually dated her step- brother..they actually had a baby together and everything...their parents didn't agree with it, and it was weird at first, but we all got used to it.

  2. First let me say that I wouldn't have a problem with it since it sounds really distant by relation standards, but I also detect something else in what your saying.

    It appears that maybe the relationship is bothering!  Instead of focusing on the "relative" issue you may want to try focusing on your "relationship" with this young man.  

    You are apparently getting some resistance to your relationship with him or you wouldn't be raising the question.  If you are in love with him and he is in love with you what more could you possibly want or need for your relationship to grow?  

    Be positive when your family brings up the issue.  Don't shy away from the issue.  Your not weird or wrong; it sounds like your in love!  No one has the right to take that away from you.  Cheer up!  Chin Up!  Be Happy!  Good Luck!

  3. the only ones it is illegal to marry (as where dating will end up) are parents, siblings, half siblings

    cousins are ok to marry legally (although the bible speaks against it)

    as you two are nothing like that close bloodwise then i cant see that you beig distantly related would be a problem

  4. no its not wrong!

  5. Go for it!  There's no blood relation! :)

  6. No, it's not wrong to date a distant nonblood-related relative.  It wouldn't be wrong if it was blood related, because, if I'm following this right, then he would be twice removed, and only first cousins are prohibited from dated.

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