
Is david ortiz worth keeping on a roster spot, already have 2 players on DL?

by  |  earlier

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have jake peavy and dice k on dl?




  1. He's David freaking Ortiz; of course he's worth keeping. Yes he is hurt, but he has been a great player (including last year). He can play a decent first basemen if he has to and he can hit. So if he is out for part of this season, he can still come back. It was be stupid to take him off the roster if there is a small chance he can get better this year.

  2. It depends on the 2 players you have on the DL already...

  3. no  he's done

  4. Obviously He Is. Good Luck.

  5. not worth it at all

    he'll probably be out the entire season

    if there is no one in the bucket worth picking up, ask people in ur league and see if any of them are dumb to take ortiz for someone

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